With apologies for any cross-posting, we are contacting you all now as we are reaching out to the Wikimedia community and all program leaders, evaluators, volunteers, and others who hold a stake and/or interest in Wikimedia program evaluation and design.
We present this request for comment (RfC) and a new community discussion page on the evaluation portal:
Let's Talk! Program Evaluation and Metrics
As we come upon one year’s time since our Program Evaluation and Design team began on the initiative to build program evaluation capacity, we’d like to hear from the community of Wikimedia -- program leaders, evaluators, volunteers, and other stakeholders in program evaluation and design -- about your perspectives on those efforts.
Background: The focus of the evaluation capacity building initiative is peer learning, practice sharing, and the adoption of shared language and approach to program evaluation across the movement. This initiative is to support the discoverability and innovation of programs that will achieve high impact. Importantly, the team is charged with developing learning resources and tools to support program leaders to self-evaluate their program efforts and impacts.
Current RfC: Please visit the dialogue pages to share your perspective on:
* How we should evaluate and report on the program evaluation and design capacity-building initiative.
* The evaluation learning opportunities and resources made available.
* Program metrics piloted in the beta reports.
* How we should assess grantmaking to groups and individuals.
for all the details and to participate.
Please be encouraged to also forward this announcement to any lists or individuals you think might be interested.
On behalf of the Program Evaluation and Design team, thank you for your time and attention, we hope to hear from you in our portal.
Best regards,