Hoi, In the last months too much has been said about quality and what others have to do. This thread is about quality and its aim is not for Wikipedia to change its way, it will not. It is to discuss lack of quality in Wikipedia, a proposal that will improve quality but that will not be accepted by "the community" because it is set in its ways.
In one blogpost [1] I discuss how redlinks can be improved using the existing data of Wikidata as a start. In my latest blogpost [2] I discuss Wiki links and how they can be improved by using Wikidata as a base. In the item of the Spearman Medal, I have improved Wikipedia by 20% by fixing wiki links, I have added 20% data by adding a few recent winners of the award.
When Wiki links are created, it is expected that they will "just" work. A link is created, it is blue FINE :). However disambiguation often does not happen and for whatever reason disambiguation pages do not exist.
Most of the functionality to replace wikilinks with Wikidata based functionality already exist for a long time. People like Magnus build and blogged about and I blogged about it.
What does it take for Wikipedians to consider their own issues in stead of finding fault elsewhere ? Thanks, GerardM
[1] http://ultimategerardm.blogspot.nl/2016/01/wikipedia-lowest-hanging-fruit-fr... [2] http://ultimategerardm.blogspot.nl/2016/01/wikipedia-20-error-rate.html