To print t-shirt with Wikipedia logo you must have an agreement with the WMF. Because Swedish Wikimedia doesn't exist the agreement cannot exist.
I will ask to the WMF before print them.
Lars Aronsson wrote:
Even before the chapter is formed, I think it would be nice to print t-shirts with the logotype for the Swedish Wikipedia. However, today this logotype doesn't exist in high resolution. And the small resolution logotype used on appears to use a font which is slightly different from the one used for the other European languages. What is the name of the proper font? Is that font available in Gimp? Or can someone help us with this?
WMF already has a t-shirt shop at (in California) and the German chapter has a shop at Both shops charge extra for delivery to Sweden, so the Swedish chapter would probably prefer to set up a similar shop based in Sweden. Is there any established practice in how to do this? Does every use of the logotypes need to be cleared with the WMF? Should items be sold at the price of printing or with a 10% markup, for the benefit of the national chapter?