I think that the phrase meaning refered to Wikipedia is "the sum of all human knowledge which is notable and encyclopedic".
Not ALL, ALL, ALL human knowledge. MySpace discarded.
2011/9/16 Ziko van Dijk zvandijk@googlemail.com
Today I read on a WMDE driven website:
"»Stellen Sie sich eine Welt vor, in der das gesamte Wissen der Menschheit jedem frei zugänglich ist. Das ist unser Ziel.« Jimmy Wales"
(Imagine a world in which the entire knowledge of mankind is freely accessible to everyone. That is our goal.)
I never read that in English. Jimmy Wales actually said: "... the sum of all human knowledge".
And I think that there is a huge difference between "the sum of all..." and "all...". By the way, the traditional encyclopedias described themselves by "the sum of all..."
But a number of Wikimedia national organizations seem to have difficulties with Jimmy's phrase. They 'translate' it to "all..." I did not succeed, for example, in explaining to my own national organization why it is wrong what we have on our business cards.
Am I the only one seeing a problem here?
Kind regards Ziko
-- Ziko van Dijk The Netherlands http://zikoblog.wordpress.com/
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