Have been tracking medical pageviews for EN WP for more than 10 years. It appears our readership peaked around 2014, there was a bump during the pandemic, and now the fall in pageviews is continuing again... This despite much of our pageviews for medicine continuing to be related to the pandemic.
On Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 11:09 AM Toni Ristovski toni91ehrlich@gmail.com wrote:
Additionally, pandemic 2020 with a lot of lockdowns makes many people commit to different activities, among them starting editing on Wikipedia or reading more. Basically, in my opinion it is better to compare with 2019 numbers. Also, it will be useful to have some kind of survey about this which can give us a better overview of these data.
As I`m editor and admin on Macedonian Wikipedia, I was quite surprised that our Wikipedia actually continues to grow in terms of reading and having a stable editing base.
All the best, Toni
On Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 6:52 PM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga < galder158@hotmail.com> wrote:
There's another option: the 2020 pandemic lockdowns made a huge peak on views, so year on year, 2021 has worse results.
2022(e)ko urt. 7(a) 18:41 erabiltzaileak hau idatzi du (Anders Wennersten mail@anderswennersten.se):
When I look at statistics for mature wikipedias: en, de pl, nl they all show a decrease of views of 13-15% in last 12 months from a year ago, and number of active editors down 10- 20 % (with exception of en).
Has this been analysed somewhere, are we losing our readers and contributors or is it mostly Google that access our info "smarter" not creating "views"
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