Karim was on a panel at Wikimania this past summer, as well. -- phoebe
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Karim R. Lakhani klakhani@hbs.edu Date: Jan 31, 2007 3:37 PM Subject: [Air-l] A teaching case on Wikipedia To: air-l@listserv.aoir.org
Dear AOIRers,
I wanted to let you know that my colleague Andrew McAfee and I have prepared a teaching case on Wikipedia. This case will be taught to MBA students at the Harvard Business School this spring in the Managing in the Information Age elective course.
The case is free online and is under the GNU Free Document License.
You can get it here http://courseware.hbs.edu/public/cases/wikipedia/
Here is a brief synopsis: Wikipedia has emerged as a robust model for content production by volunteers working asynchronously on the internet with a unconventional model for distributed decision making. The "Articles for Deletion" process in Wikipedia provides unique insight into the inner workings of a distributed community. Wikipedia administrators have to decide if an article on "Enterprise 2.0" should be deleted, kept or merged with some other article. The episode illustrates broader issues of IT-enabled community mobilization and engagement in distributed setting.
Teaching objective: To show the delicate balance between issues of authority, expertise, community consensus and norms of behavior in a distributed setting. To discuss success and failure modes in online communities.
I hope to have a teaching note for this by April and also a teaching plan - if some of you use it before hand in class - I would be grateful if you would share your experience with me.
Also your comments and suggestions for the case are very welcome!
--------------------------------------- Karim R. Lakhani Assistant Professor Harvard Business School +1-617-495-6741(o) +1-617-851-1224(m) http://spoudaiospaizen.net/
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