Hi Micru,
It sounds to me like there are a few different topics that are on your mind. I'm wondering if it might help to clarify the situation if we could meet on Hangouts for some near-real-time communication. I'd be glad to try to find a time to meet with you. I'll be coming and going from the Internet for the next few hours, and if you happen to be online then I'd be glad to talk with you on Hangouts for a voice conversation when we're both available. Please feel free to send me a text message on Hangouts if you're available and would be interested in having a conversation there. I may not respond immediately, but I should respond within half an hour of receiving your message.
Personally, I am looking forward to seeing the new WMF website, and I generally have a positive view of Ed Erhart. The topic of where certain publications should be posted is a complicated one, and I would like to hear your perspective.