Ziko van Dijk wrote:
Emotional: Having a NYC chapter next to the French, German etc. makes France, Germany etc. look the equals to New York.
And in some ways they are. If that makes you feel bad, that's your problem. Did you feel better when there was no chapter at all in the United States? Apparently, no nation-wide chapter was forming. Were you going to set one up?
Having Wikimedia Deutschland (Germany) and France next to Wikimedia Sverige (Sweden) and Norge (Norway) make these countries look equal. How do you feel about that?
The greater New York City urban area has a population (18 million) twice as big as Sweden's (9 million) and almost four times that of Norway (4.8 million).
The distance from New York City to Chicago, where the next sub-national chapter might be, is 1000 km, or roughly that from Paris to Warsaw.