Hoi, What reason would there be that is consistent with the aims of the Wikimedia Foundation. What reason could be given that explicitly does not negate your wish for the deletion of the mo.wikipedia?
You can not have it both ways imho. Thanks, GerardM
On 13 October 2010 17:59, Gutza gutza@moongate.ro wrote:
On 13-Oct-10 18:52, Milos Rancic wrote:
There are also some rewrite rules. For example, the default (based on amount of texts written in Cyrillic; however, script-neutral) of Serbian Wikipedia is Cyrillic. If you go to http://sr.wikipedia.org/ -- you will find the page in Cyrillic. However, if you go to http://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el/ -- you'll find the same page in Latin script.
When I said a JavaScript gadget I meant a JavaScript gadget. As per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Gadget, where these things are defined like so: "a JavaScript and/or a CSS snippet that can be enabled simply by checking an option in your Wikipedia preferences".
Rewrite rules with engines and stuff are NOT JavaScript gadgets -- they are rewrite rules with engines and stuff. That will not be accepted by the ro.wiki community in a million years, unless the Red Army occupies the country and the ro.wiki community is contributing from labor camps.
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