2007/4/5, Mark Williamson node.ue@gmail.com: Suffice to say, from discussions I have had with people who had _formerly_ *approved* Wikipedias, they cannot understand why they are required to do this, many of them don't know what exactly it is that is required of them, and they are confused. It should be the responsibility of the LAnguage Committee, not of me, to explain to them what is happening here and give them a tutorial on how to edit the messages file and give them help dealing with the problems like the ones Fulup encountered.
We need to be amicable and try to make this process easier for these people, not make it some sort of obstacle course.
That sums it up pretty well. In a nutshell, the whole question is:
Which is the lesser evil - having a Wikipedia with a few, temporary imperfections or not having a Wikipedia at all? Though one, isn't it?