I know that not everyone will found this association to be the best model, but I think this is the nearest of what I can imagine from structural considerations.
Go the www.unicef.org
This organisation pledged to help ALL children, all over the world.
When you click on "support Unicef", here is what you get :
Now, click on "donate now"
You are prompted to select your country of choice
Choose "France". Here is the website in french language. It is still the Unicef, not the francophone Unicef. You are *still* supporting a Global Project.
You know you will help support people hurt by a cyclon in Madagascar, there are people hurt by war in Soudan, hearquake in Iran.
And jeeeee, with 30 euros, you will help purchase 100 schools textbook !
You also get a tax deduction. 60% of the amount will be removed from your income tax, up to 470 euros. This is possible only because you will pay directly in France. If you had chosen Madagascar, you would not have had any tax deduction because you are not german citizen.
Here, http://www.unicef.asso.fr/index.cfm?id=index_adherez.cfm
I see that I will become member of the Unicef France
And here is what I see
S'engager � participer r�guli�rement par une adh�sion, soutient directement l'action de l'UNICEF France en faveur de l'UNICEF. Cette cotisation annuelle contribue aux frais de fonctionnement de l'association elle-m�me et permet de d�gager le maximum de fonds revers�s par l'UNICEF France � l'UNICEF au titre des dons.
This fee will directly help the action of Unicef France in favor on Unicef. This annual fee will help support the cost of the local association functioning Unicef France, and the remaining will be directly sent from the Unicef France to Unicef, as donations. And likely, somewhere, an international team is working on the Iran earthquake issue and will make good use of your money.
This is my perception of what a local association could begin to be. Not a complicated set of sub-entities, which will help only the last camping flood in the south of the country.
grumble grumble :-)
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