After analyzing the data contained in the fr.wikiquote site, the Wikimedia Foundation has determined that the material stored in the fr.wikiquote database does not provide the basic assurance of legal soundness necessary to the permanence of the project. Therefore, the site will be entirely taken down to be erased and relaunched. A policy requiring greater traceability of quotations will be put in place on fr.wikiquote version II. This action has been taken for the benefit of all Wikimedia Foundation projects. Translations can be made into other languages after the announcement for the benefit of Wikiquotes in other languages that may be interested. Any such translations should if possible work from the original French text, this is a French announcement.
Are you sure it is a good idea to reopen fr.wikiquote ? Look at the history.. most contributors are IP, there is no regular control by users.. In other words, the wikiquote community is insufficient to fullfil the legal criterias you mentionned above. In one year or so, you will have to delete the DB again.
The site should be kept closed until a trusty group of people show some interest in this project. Afaik, there is no such group atm.