I also hope, while we're on the subject, that some other ru.books problems could be helped to solve:
1. 95% of seven hundred images do not have any description, meaning no source and no license. When 3 weeks ago I pointed out at http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Resolution:Licensing_policy and the fact that other projects are busy tagging and deleting images, Ramir's response was "I'm concerned with something else: what's going to happen to Wiki-sites (sooner or later)? Cause authors come, create educational literature, and then anonymous fags day and night confidently delete content with support of other useless fags from other end of a planet - this is sick and needs to be cured." http://ru.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?diff=25376&oldid=25368
In the following discussion he refused to do anything, even to add some simple guide and the list of licenses onto [[Special:Upload]], so at least new images maybe would have some description.
2. At the bottom of the Main page one can read "==Sediment== Do not repeat mistakes of sub-authors of sub-books:" (and then goes the list of books deemed not good enough). When I asked Ramir to remove this wording since 1)it's offensive, 2)I didn't see him even trying to discuss possible improvements with the authors, and then 3)another user expressed concern that this might repel potential authors, Ramir's answer was: "When I see 5 complains in writing from [[Авторы|useful contributors]] (that someone is offended), I will replace the word "Sediment" with some other, selected after a vote". http://ru.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?diff=25823&oldid=25822 (The link "useful contributors" points at the page where some "respectable authors" are listed.)
3. Everything else seems less important, mostly it's some weird changes to protected pages. Requests to fix them are mostly ignored:
http://ru.wikibooks.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Mytalk tab at the top says "Emails" instead of "My talk".
Recent changes pages is missing the line "Show minor edits | Show bots | Hide anonymous users | Hide logged-in users | Hide my edits"
http://ru.wikibooks.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Article, which is supposed to be the top tab "book" (or "module" like in en.books) is made into simple "page", clearly to accomodate the fact that "Forum", "Help" and "Authors" project pages are all located in the main namespace. Some time ago a user from our Wikipedia tried moving these pages into correct (project) namespace, the result was move protection and indefinite ban for that user.
There are only 15 interwikis on the Main page, selected at Ramir's will. When asked to add other interwikis, he responded with simple "No need" and ignored all the further reasoning. http://ru.wikibooks.org/w/index.php?diff=25558&oldid=25548
Sorry for the long post.