Forward on behalf of Kelly Battles.
Hello All -
My name is Kelly Bodnar Battles and I am honored to have joined the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees in January of this year.
Professionally, I am a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and a material part of my near term Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) Board responsibilities will be to chair the Audit Committee. Currently, the voting members of the Audit Committee are myself, Alice Wiegand, María Sefidari and Denny Vrandečić. WMF’s CFO and Treasurer Jaime Villagomez is also an important stakeholder on this committee as well.
As you may know, we have the precedent of having non-voting members (please see role definition below) from outside the board participate in the Audit Committee as well. Toward that end, I would like to:
- First and foremost, thank Matt Bisanz, Michael Snow, Abhijith Jayanthi, Ben Creasy and Florian Gerl for participating in this committee as non-voting members in the recent past.
- Request that if you are interested (or know of other volunteers in the community who may be interested) in serving in this capacity for this next cycle (from selection through June 2017), please send to me at this email address (kbattles(a) <>) your resume, the top 3 reasons why you want to do this and the top 3 things you will add to the Audit Committee.
- Propose the following steps and timeline for the selection process:
- Candidates submit their interest and the above information to me no later than April 15
- The Audit Committee will interview top 4 candidates by May 10
- The Audit Committee will select the top 2 candidate by May 15
- Selected candidates join the Audit committee by June 1 and attend July Audit Committee meeting
- Outline the following important preferences for candidates interested in this role:
- 5+ years of operational finance and or accounting experience
- Solid understanding of the mission and operations of WMF
- Prior executive or board experience
- CPA (Certified Public Accountant) or MBA (Masters in Business Administration), or equivalent earned
- Capacity to commit an estimated 20-30 hours annually to attend both quarterly and other ad-hoc meetings, prepare or review required materials, and interact with committee, staff and/or board as required.
Once again, I am thrilled to be part of this amazing organization. Thank you for the warm welcome I have received so far.
See link for Audit Committee charter <>
This message is available for translation on Meta-Wiki:… <…>
Dear all,
On the occasion of the drafting of the Digital republic bill - which you
may have heard of - Wikimedia France has been involved, for the past 8
months, in raising awareness among politicians on the concept of freedom of
panorama, which would allow many recent buildings to be illustrated on
Wikipedia and Commons, especially.
Currently, the text of the bill is being studied in the Senate. For now,
the amendment proposed integrates a non commercial restriction, which is in
contradiction with the licenses used on our projects. It is therefore
necessary for the bill to be modified.
We need to show that such a debate mobilizes the public opinion : you can
support our action by signing our online petition [1] and spreading the
word as much as possible !
Thank you for your help !
On behalf of Wikimedia France
*Anne-Laure Prévost*
*Tél +33 7 62 93 42 02 /*
*+33 1 42 36 97 72*
*Wikimédia France*
*Association pour le libre partage de la connaissance*
* <>
What is WMFs position on Wikiwand [1]?
is it a complement or a commercial run interface that is better that we
can offer?
There is just over a week left to submit Individual Engagement Grant <> (IEG) proposals by the April 12th
deadline. If you have ideas for new tools, community-building processes,
and other experimental projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia
volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have
great ideas to apply as well. Support is available if you want help
turning your idea into a grant request.
Submit a grant request <>
Learn from examples of completed Individual Engagement Grants <>
If you have any questions or would like to brainstorm with us about your
proposal, we're hosting a few IEG proposal help sessions this month in
Google Hangouts:
[ April 5th],
16:00 - 17:00 UTC
[ April 8th]
1:00 - 2:00 UTC
[ April 12th]
16:00 - 17:00 UTC
Please feel free to get in touch with me (mjohnson(a) with
questions about getting started with your idea.
Warm regards,
*Marti JohnsonProgram Officer*
*Individual Grants*
*Wikimedia Foundation <>*
+1 415-839-6885
Skype: Mjohnson_WMF
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share
<> in the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it
a reality!
Support Wikimedia <>
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marti Johnson <mjohnson(a)>
Date: Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 4:03 PM
Subject: Open call for Individual Engagement Grant proposals
To: wikimedia-l(a)
Hi everyone,
The Wikimedia Foundation Individual Engagement Grants (IEG) program is
accepting proposals from March 14th to April 12th for new ideas to improve
Wikimedia projects. <> Funds are
available (up to $30,000 USD) to support individuals or teams of up to four
people to implement promising ideas, whether focused on building a new tool
or gadget, organizing a better process on your wiki, researching an
important issue, or providing other support for community-building. Ideas
from the current Inspire Campaign on content curation and review are very
welcome. <>
Do you have have a good idea, but would like some feedback before
applying? Put it into the IdeaLab, where volunteers and staff can give you
advice and guidance on how to bring it to life. <> Once your idea is ready,
it can be easily migrated into a grant request.
Community Organizer (and former IEG recipient) Chris Schilling and I will
also be hosting Hangouts at least weekly for real-time discussions about
the Inspire Campaign and the IEG Open Call to answer questions and help you
make your proposal better. Hangouts are already underway - with the next
two scheduled for March 15th and 22nd. <>
We are excited to see your grant ideas that will support our community and
make an impact on the future of Wikimedia projects. Put your idea into
motion, and submit your proposal between March 14 and April 12! <>
Please feel free to get in touch with me (mjohnson(a) with
questions about getting started with your idea.
Warm regards,
*Marti JohnsonProgram Officer*
*Individual Grants*
*Wikimedia Foundation <>*
+1 415-839-6885
Skype: Mjohnson_WMF
Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share
<> in the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it
a reality!
Support Wikimedia <>
Rock on.
On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 5:24 PM, Katherine Maher <kmaher(a)>
> Hi everyone,
> The Foundation is pleased to announce that our Annual Plan is now on
> Meta.[1] This year's plan focuses on improving support for--and
> consultation with--community, responding effectively to changing user
> needs, and addressing strategic challenges facing our movement. We're
> investing in areas that we believe the Foundation is uniquely positioned to
> address, including readership and reach, volunteer retention and
> engagement, and support for knowledge creation.
> Thank you to everyone who contributed earlier this year to the strategy
> consultations, which helped guide our thinking.
> We look forward to your feedback!
> Warmly,
> Katherine
> [1]
> --
> Katherine Maher
> Wikimedia Foundation
> 149 New Montgomery Street
> San Francisco, CA 94105
> +1 (415) 839-6885 ext. 6635
> +1 (415) 712 4873
> kmaher(a)
> _______________________________________________
> Please note: all replies sent to this mailing list will be immediately
> directed to Wikimedia-l, the public mailing list of the Wikimedia
> community. For more information about Wikimedia-l:
> _______________________________________________
> WikimediaAnnounce-l mailing list
> WikimediaAnnounce-l(a)
Anna Stillwell
Director of Culture and Collaboration
Wikimedia Foundation
* <>*
Dear Wikipedians from all over the world,
for 10 days now the arguably largest article writing contest has been
taking place in Central and Eastern Europe - Wikimedia CEE Spring [1]. For
72 days Wikipedians from 29 communities [2] will be writing about the
culture, history, important persons and much more about the region on their
Wikipedias. The contest aims at closing content gaps about countries,
regions [3] and languages [4] from the region. Each community created a
list of at least 100 articles [5] which it would like to see written in all
languages and all other communities are doing so with fervour! Communities
as large communities as the Russian, Ukrainian and Polish ones, and as
small as the Sakhan, Estonian and Macedonian ones, have joined. Highly
motivated local organisers and guys with magical technical skills have
emerged from all the communities and have made organising the contest an
easy task.
At the moment of writing the Ukrainians are leading the pack when it comes
to the highest amoung of created and significantly expanded articles [6]
and most articles have been written from Hungary's lists [7]. Participants
are gladly sharing their articles with their friends via a Facebook page
[8]. Over 1000 articles from the lists and over 1400 in total have been
created or significantly expanded during the first 10 days [6][7].
Some communities have special prizes aiming at closing the content gender
gap, too. Most countries have put notable women in their wished topics. The
project is funded by an international grant [9] which covers expenses for
books and other source materials for writing articles on Wikipedia and its
sister projects of up to 400 Euro per community.
Spread the word and write some articles about CEE!
Nikola Kalchev / User:Лорд Бъмбъри / Wikimedians of Bulgaria User Group
On behalf of the international organising team
[2] We started with 21, but more and more are joining!
[3] CEE politics is complicated
[4] We claim the Esperanto language for ourselves
[6] (not all
Wikipedias included)