Thank you and thanks to others whe also replied.
This info is helpful. One thing I was wondering is why only 5 WikiTowns worldwide (based on the number of categories on*). Aside from the first in Wales and the two in Australia, there's one in South Africa and one for Gibraltar.
Curious to know by what measure the concept is popular. (That sounds like a challenge but not meant to be.)
I can see that the work involved and expenses for the plates/signs might discourage potential projects.
I'm considering proposing a WikiTown project in my current town - Falls Church, Virginia, US - which seems to me (based on a probably inadequate understanding of what's involved) to be an ideal size for roll-out and maintenance of all elements.
I've hesitated to make preliminary contacts in local govt and civic groups until I am more convinced on the sustainability of the overall Wiki Towns effort and feel better able to answer inevitable questions. I think the first mention of the idea is likely to get positive reaction, esp. if framed in terms that relate to current planning efforts, but that could be the end of it without a plan, a good cost-benefit presentation, and a few activists to carry it forth.
Is there a "best practices" guide? Any reason why there's no general or project page on WP about Wiki Towns where such info might be collected? (And to where this discussion might move?)
All ideas and any info appreciated.
Don Osborn
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-----Original Message-----
From: Gnangarra <gnangarra(a)>
Date: Fri, 1 May 2015 06:06:20
To: Australian Wikimedians mailing list<wikimediaau-l(a)>
Cc: dzo(a)<dzo(a)>; Wikimedia Mailing List<wikimedia-l(a)>
Subject: Re: [Wikimediaau-l] [Wikimedia-l] Wiki Towns
Yes Australia has two ongoing Wikitown projects
I'm created both projects and are responsible for their on going activity,
the projects activity spikes depending on the availability of funding for
each set of new plates. I was also fortunate enough to see the talk in
Washington in 2012. WikiTowns have a wide appeal and are very popular the
issue is that they require significant time to build which gets complicated
when you rely on volunteers.
I'm happy to answer any questions anyone has, and provide assistance
Vice President Wikimedia Australia