I examined the .pot files for the Drupal translation, and they're
unfortunately in the wrong format. The msgid must contain the original
text, and the msgstr must contain the translation.
msgid "I have %number."
msgstr "Ich habe %number."
Also, the ".pot" extension is for translation templates, where the
msgstrs are all empty. The ".po" extension is for translations. This
second problem is trivial to fix.
I can fix the files with some script to reprocess the translations into
the correct format, but it will take another day or two considering
other things I need to complete before heading to Canada for the holidays.
Of course, we're still very grateful for the translation work. I look
forward to offering Cherokee as a language option on FundCORE.
P.S. Normally I'd reply to preserve threading, but I just subscribed to
foundation-l to keep up with this issue.