Hello all,
Today it is the last day of the Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 competition in all countries (besides one). At the end of the day the upload campaigns close themselves automatically depending on the local time zone. (The upload must be finished before the end time.) The Central Notice will be taken down in the 30 minutes before the end of the competition in that country.
The time schedule is at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2013/Upload_...
== Deadline top 10 / jury ==
Please keep all in mind that we prefer to receive the 10 winning photos of each country on 24 October! In case of delay we must have received the ten winning photos before 31 October.
If you wish to keep the 10 winning photos secret until a press release, or prize giving ceremony, etc, please send the ten winning photos to the international team with the date of when they will be published.
We will keep a public table of who notified us with the ten winning photos at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2013/Winners
Thanks everyone for the great work so far! With all these new photos we now have a better coverage of the world's cultural heritage!
PS: What I meant to say was that the upload campaign automatically stops adding the Wiki Loves Monuments template at the exact time so that files uploaded after don not show up in the category of Wiki Loves Monuments. The upload campaigns for WLM stay available for use the whole year long and will help users to add the right categories and templates to the uploaded files. If a local Wikipedia community wishes, they can keep the link in the lists of monuments and enable users to upload files directly from the lists during the whole year.
-------------------------------------------- On Mon, 9/30/13, Romaine Wiki romaine_wiki@yahoo.com wrote:
Subject: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Last day to upload images To: wlm-announce@lists.wikimedia.org Cc: wikilovesmonuments@lists.wikimedia.org Date: Monday, September 30, 2013, 2:47 PM
Hello all,
Today it is the last day of the Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 competition in all countries (besides one). At the end of the day the upload campaigns close themselves automatically depending on the local time zone. (The upload must be finished before the end time.) The Central Notice will be taken down in the 30 minutes before the end of the competition in that country.
The time schedule is at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2013/Upload_...
== Deadline top 10 / jury ==
Please keep all in mind that we prefer to receive the 10 winning photos of each country on 24 October! In case of delay we must have received the ten winning photos before 31 October.
If you wish to keep the 10 winning photos secret until a press release, or prize giving ceremony, etc, please send the ten winning photos to the international team with the date of when they will be published.
We will keep a public table of who notified us with the ten winning photos at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2013/Winners
Thanks everyone for the great work so far! With all these new photos we now have a better coverage of the world's cultural heritage!
_______________________________________________ Wiki Loves Monuments mailing list WikiLovesMonuments@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikilovesmonuments http://www.wikilovesmonuments.org