Currently the Wikilovesmonuments.com has send more than 2500 visitors to Wikilovesmononumets.eu, this is a good think offcourse.
2 weeks ago we requested a IP number to attach this site to, currently we didn't get this (yet) We also requested to add the domain to accepted hosts so CNAME will work, this isn't done either.
Can somebody please do one of the above things the next lets say 2 days? I really do not like the way we forward it now, I do not want to have logs of people visiting. So this needs to be resolved A.S.A.P
Dear Huib,
Please forgive the delay, can you please setup your DNS for the following:
wikilovesmonuments.com. IN A www.wikilovesmonuments.com. IN A
We will do an HTTP redirect for wikilovesmonuments.eu (that's already set up).
This is just a temporary resolution. If you prefer, you can also point us as the nameservers, just tell me before so I can setup the servers. That way you won't have logs at all.
Thank you for your patience and support.