On 08/10/12 14:45, Tomasz Ganicz wrote:
Moreover - it puts files on lists which have moved heritage template to the relevant category. In case of Polish contest if the heritage has its own category we asked mass-uploaders to put the file into the category without heritage template in file description. See for axample:
IMHO the files should both have the relevant identifier and be in the category. If I came to the description page (eg. by Special:Search), I wouldn't know it was a monument without having to visit all its categories, which is impractical.
On the list there are also files with quite proper, but probably too lenghty heritage number. In Poland the number consist of: a) the number itself - for example "A-253" b) the date of registraton for example "A-253 z 18.03.1972" c) the name of viodoship which registered the heritage, for example ""A-253 z 18.03.1972; województwo podkarpackie"
Numbers itslef are redundant - each voivodship has its own list starting from A-1 till A-9999,
so for us this list of heratige without proper indetifiers is rather useless and completely missleading. For us it is not a problem - as our jury won't be using it - but it may produce false statistics for our part of contest.
Argh. So you basically made a new division inside the template parameter. I can compensate that in the code. I had no idea you were doing that.
Although there are multiple formats used: A-1834 z 11.08.2008 916 z 09.11.1984 1061 1101/92 z 14.04.1992 A/3102/78 i 79 147/Wlkp/A A.734 z 24.05.1993 1598-A z 23.11.1995
What is the identifier that should be extracted?