On 09/14/2012 12:13 PM, Mike Dupont wrote:
Well i want to make a simple solution. Of course we will collect under cc-by-sa 3.0/gfdl and not give them any other option. Also I will give people one extra vote if they upload directly to the commons.
I am working on something code right now, not ready. Basic idea is to implement the various web apis like facebook photo api so that we can use applications like shotwell directly. I am working right now on shotwell/facebok rest api.
I don't understand this, if you want to make the uploads directly from Shotwell, why upload to Facebook and then import to Commons instead of uploading directly to Commons?
Also, I think is a bit late now to think about uploading tools, the contest will close in a couple of weeks and then, starting with October 1, the main concern will be to consolidate everything on Commons and start the jury process.