Hi all. Has been a pleasure to meet you all in Berlin. I wanted to share this link: http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger/2011/05/17/dpla-europeana about Europeana and the meeting they're having in The Haag.
Moreover, today I added "Statistics" as an Open Issue in our results: I was wondering if we could ask to the Foundation, instead of a grant, some work-time of Erik Zachte to set up a central/federal tool for statistics in Commons. He is probably the best person for that, and a tool ad hoc could serve many participant countries.
(Actually, i'm thinking that asking work-time of an employee instead of "mere" money could be an efficient idea to get things done: we could talk about this to Sj, and then the Board of Trustees could discuss about it.)
Still hoping to participate, cheers,