Op 5-10-2012 14:57, Lodewijk schreef:
Hi Aktron,
I assume with remove, you only mean that you don't consider them for a prize? (that is a fair reasoning I guess, under the 'usefulness' principle).
Tamara: I would suggest to leave it up to the jury, as long as they keep the criteria in mind. Every country can make their own judgement calls on what resolutions etc. If you want your nominees to win in the finals though, it would be good to keep the Featured Picture minimum criteria in mind (I'm sure someone can link them) and guidelines - but it should definitely not mean that everything lower than that should not be considered at all! A winning picture is chosed based on a combination of technical quality, usefullness and originality.
The link is at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Image_guidelines . You should leave all the decisions up to the jury.