Picture of the day: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Monasterio_de_Cocos,_Ruman%C3%ADa,_2... Copyright status: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0. Descriptions: čeština: Obraz Poslední večeře Páně a mozaika Nanebevzetí Panny Marie v klášteře Cocoșu Monastery, Rumunsko. English: Painting of the Last Supper and mosaic of the Death of the Virgin, Cocoș Monastery, Romania. The monastery, located in a forest clearing 6 km of Niculițel, was built between 1883 and 1913 and is dedicated to the Dormition of the Theotokos. español: Pintura de la Última Cena y mosaico de la Muerte de la Virgen, Monasterio de Cocoș, Rumanía. El monasterio, situado en un claro de un bosque a 6 km de Niculițel, se construyó entre 1883 y 1913 y está dedicado al Tránsito de María. magyar: Az utolsó vacsora és Mária halála a Cocoș-kolostor mozaikképén (Isaccea, Románia) македонски: Живопис „Тајната вечера“ и мозаик „Успение на Пресвета Богородица“ во манастирот Кокош, Романија. Nederlands: Schildering van het Laatste Avondmaal en mozaïek voorstellende de Dood van de Maagd (Maria, in het oosters christendom ook wel Theotokos, Moeder Gods, genoemd) in het Cocoșklooster in Roemenië português: Pintura da Última Ceia e mosaico da Morte da Virgem, Monastério de Cocoș, Isaccea, Romênia.