Body of email: Copyright status: Public domain as a work of the NASA organisation. Featured Picture category: Astronomy
English : This illustration shows the newly discovered planet, Fomalhaut b, orbiting its sun, Fomalhaut. italiano : Rappresentazione artistica del pianeta extrasolare Fomalhaut b in orbita intorno al suo sole Fomalhaut. magyar : A Fomalhaut b bolygó művészi ábrázolása a csillaga közelében. Nederlands : Deze illustratie toont de nieuw ontdekte planeet Fomalhaut b draaiende rond zijn zon Fomalhaut. русский : Планета Фомальгаут b в представлении художника. 한국어 : ko:포말하우트 주위를 공전하는 행성 포말하우트 b의 상상도. 中文(简体) : 艺术家描绘的新发现的行星北落师门b环绕北落师门运行。