by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
30 Apr '18
30 Apr '18
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Copyright status: Licensed under the Creative Commons Zero, Public Domain Dedication.
čeština: Žavoronki - tradiční velikonoční pečivo Východních Slovanů, Bělgorodská oblast, Rusko.
English: Zhavoronki are traditional Eastern Slavic cookies. Photographed in Shebekinsky District of Belgorod Oblast, Russia.
español: Zhavoronki, un pastel tradicional eslavo oriental, distrito de Shebekinsky, Óblast de Bélgorod, Rusia.
magyar: Hagyományos keleti szláv sütemény, melyet a tavaszi nap-éj egyenlőség idején sütnek
македонски: Жаворонка (чучурлига) — источнословенско празнично колаче по повод Младенци. Сликано во Шебекинскиот реон, Белгородска област, Русија.
Nederlands: Zhavoronki zijn koekjes van traditioneel Oost-Slavische oorsprong
polski: Żaworonki (ros. жаворонки, pol. skowronki) – tradycyjny wypiek wschodniosłowiański. Fotografię wykonano w rejonie szebekińskim obwodu biełgorodzkigo, w Rosji.
português: Zhavoronki na forma de cotovia é um tradicional brioche eslavo oriental do distrito de Shebekinsky, região de Belgorod, Rússia.
русский: Печенье «Жаворонки» на праздник Сороки или Жаворонки. Родовое экопоселение «Кореньские родники» в Шебекинском районе Белгородской области.
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
29 Apr '18
29 Apr '18
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Copyright status: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0.
čeština: Ranvej č. 13R na mezinárodním letišti Palm Springs International Airport, USA
English: Palm Springs International Airport, final approach on runway 13R
español: Aeropuerto Internacional de Palm Springs, aproximación final de la pista 13R.
magyar: A Palm Springs-i repülőtér futópályája (Palm Springs, Kalifornia)
македонски: Пистата 13R на аеродромот во Палм Спрингс, Калифорнија, САД.
Nederlands: Baan 13R van het internationale vliegveld van Palm Springs in de Amerikaanse staat Californië
português: Aeroporto Internacional de Palm Springs, Califórnia, aproximação final da pista 13R.
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
28 Apr '18
28 Apr '18
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Copyright status: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0.
čeština: Pavián anubi (Papio anubis) s mládětem v národním parku Queen Elizabeth National Park v Ugandě.
English: An olive baboon (Papio anubis) with juvenile, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda. After the visit of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh from 28-30 April 1954, Kazinga National Park was renamed in her honour.
español: Papión oliva (Papio anubis) con su cría, Parque nacional de la Reina Isabel, Uganda.
magyar: Anubisz-pávián (Papio anubis) kölykével (Erzsébet királynő Nemzeti Park, Uganda)
македонски: Маслинест павијан (Papio anubis) со младо. Национален парк „Кралица Елизабета“, Уганда.
Nederlands: Groene baviaan (Papio anubis) met jong
português: Babuíno-anúbis (Papio anubis) com sua cria, Parque nacional da Rainha Isabel, Uganda.
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
27 Apr '18
27 Apr '18
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Copyright status: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0.
čeština: Obraz Poslední večeře Páně a mozaika Nanebevzetí Panny Marie v klášteře Cocoșu Monastery, Rumunsko.
English: Painting of the Last Supper and mosaic of the Death of the Virgin, Cocoș Monastery, Romania. The monastery, located in a forest clearing 6 km of Niculițel, was built between 1883 and 1913 and is dedicated to the Dormition of the Theotokos.
español: Pintura de la Última Cena y mosaico de la Muerte de la Virgen, Monasterio de Cocoș, Rumanía. El monasterio, situado en un claro de un bosque a 6 km de Niculițel, se construyó entre 1883 y 1913 y está dedicado al Tránsito de María.
magyar: Az utolsó vacsora és Mária halála a Cocoș-kolostor mozaikképén (Isaccea, Románia)
македонски: Живопис „Тајната вечера“ и мозаик „Успение на Пресвета Богородица“ во манастирот Кокош, Романија.
Nederlands: Schildering van het Laatste Avondmaal en mozaïek voorstellende de Dood van de Maagd (Maria, in het oosters christendom ook wel Theotokos, Moeder Gods, genoemd) in het Cocoșklooster in Roemenië
português: Pintura da Última Ceia e mosaico da Morte da Virgem, Monastério de Cocoș, Isaccea, Romênia.
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
26 Apr '18
26 Apr '18
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Copyright status: Licensed under the Public domain.
čeština: Nedávno zesnulý světoznámý teoretický fyzik Stephen Hawking prožívá stav beztíže během letu na palubě upraveného Boeingu 727 společnosti Zero Gravity Corporation. Hawkinga ve vzduchu zajišťují Peter Diamandis a kosmonaut Byron Lichtenberg.
Deutsch: Stephen Hawking (Mitte) genießt die Schwerelosigkeit während eines Fluges an Bord einer modifizierten Boeing 727 im Besitz der Zero Gravity Corporation. Hawking wird in der Luft durch (rechts) Peter Diamandis und (links) Byron Lichtenberg gedreht.
English: Stephen Hawking (center) enjoys zero gravity during a flight aboard a modified Boeing 727 aircraft owned by Zero Gravity Corporation. Hawking is being rotated in air by (right) Peter Diamandis and (left) Byron Lichtenberg.
español: Stephen Hawking (centro) experimenta gravedad cero durante un vuelo a bordo de un avión Boeing 727 modificado, propiedad de la Zero Gravity Corporation. Hawking está siendo girado en el aire por Peter Diamandis (derecha), el astronauta Byron Lichtenberg (izquierda) y Nicola O'Brien, la enfermera y ayudante de Hawking.
magyar: Stephen Hawking fizikus a NASA mikrogravitációs repülésén
македонски: Физичарот Стивен Хокинг како лебди во бестежинска состојба во прилагоден Боинг 727.
Nederlands: Stephen Hawking in een toestand van gewichtloosheid aan boord van een aangepaste Boeing 727 van de Zero Gravity Corporation
português: Stephen Hawking (centro) experimenta gravidade zero durante um voo a bordo de um Boeing 727 modificado, propriedade da Zero Gravity Corporation.
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
25 Apr '18
25 Apr '18
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Copyright status: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0.
čeština: Australský válečný památník Anzac Parade k uctění památky australských a novozélandských vojáků bojujících v první světové válce, Canberra - hlavní město Austrálie. V pozadí jsou viditelné budovy starého a nového Australského parlamentu.
English: Anzac Parade from the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. In the distance is Old Parliament House, and behind that is the new Parliament House. Today is ANZAC Day, the day of recognition of Australians and New Zealanders who served their country.
español: Vista de Anzac Parade desde el Memorial de Guerra Australiano en Canberra, Australia. En el fondo se puede ver el antiguo edificio del parlamento y detrás está el actual edificio del parlamento. En Anzac Parade se celebra el Día ANZAC cada 25 de abril en reconocimiento a los australianos y neocelandeses que sirvieron a su país.
magyar: Az ANZAC parade felvonulási terület az Ausztrál Háborús Emlékhely irányából nézve (Canberra, Ausztrália)
македонски: Свечениот дрворед на Австралискиот воен паметник во Канбера. Денес се одбележува Денот на АНЗАК во чест на австралиските и новозеландските војници кои ѝ служеле на татковината.
Nederlands: Anzac Parade, onderdeel van het Australian War Memorial in de Australische hoofdstad Canberra. Op 25 april, Anzac Day, worden de Australische en Nieuw-Zeelandse veteranen herdacht.
polski: Aleja Anzac Parade w Canberze, stolicy Australii, widziana z Australian War Memorial. W oddali widoczny jest stary, a za nim nowy budynek parlamentu. Dzisiaj przypada Dzień ANZAC, dzień upamiętniający Australijczyków i Nowozelandczyków, którzy służyli swoim krajom.
português: Anzac Parade vista do Memorial de Guerra Australiano em Camberra, Austrália. Em Anzac Parade é celebrado o Dia ANZAC cada 25 de abril em reconhecimento aos australianos e neozelandeses que serviram a seu país.
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
24 Apr '18
24 Apr '18
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Copyright status: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0.
čeština: Kvetoucí tulipány na ostrově Mainau, Bodamské jezero, Alpy.
Deutsch: Die Frühlingsallee auf der Insel Mainau während der Tulpenblüte.
English: The Spring path at the island of Mainau during the tulip blooming.
español: El sendero de la primavera durante la floración del tulipán en la isla de Mainau, lago de Constanza, Alemania.
magyar: Tulipánok virágzása Mainau szigetén (Baden-Württemberg, Németország)
македонски: Лалиња во цут на островот Мајнау во Боденското Езеро, јужна Германија.
Nederlands: Bloeiende tulpen op het eiland Mainau
português: A trilha da primavera durante a floração das tulipas na ilha Mainau, lago de Constança, Alemanha.
русский: Весенняя аллея на острове Майнау во время цветения тюльпанов.
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
23 Apr '18
23 Apr '18
Picture of the day:
Copyright status: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0.
čeština: Pták pelikán hnědý (Pelecanus occidentalis) na ostrově San Cristóbal, souostroví Galapágy, Ekvádor.
English: Exemplar of brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis), Punta Pitt, San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador.
español: Ejemplar de Pelícano pardo de las Galápagos (Pelecanus occidentalis urinator), Punta Pitt, isla de San Cristóbal, Islas Galápagos, Ecuador.
magyar: Barna gödény (Pelecanus occidentalis urinator) a Galápagos-szigeteken
македонски: Кафеав пеликан (Pelecanus occidentalis) на островот Сан Кристобал, Галапагос.
Nederlands: Bruine pelikaan (Pelecanus occidentalis)
português: Exemplar de Pelicano-pardo das Galápagos (Pelecanus occidentalis urinator), Punta Pitt, ilha de São Cristóvão, Galápagos, Equador.
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
22 Apr '18
22 Apr '18
Picture of the day:
Copyright status: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0.
čeština: Budova Petrohradské akademie umění v ruském Petrohradu.
English: Panorama of the Imperial Academy of Arts building in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
español: Vista panorámica del edificio de la Academia Imperial de las Artes en San Petersburgo, Rusia.
suomi: Panoraama Pietarin taideakatemiasta Venäjällä.
magyar: Az Orosz Művészeti Akadémia épületének főhomlokzata (Szentpétervár)
македонски: Руската академија на уметностите во Санкт Петербург.
Nederlands: Gebouw van de Keizerlijke Academie der Kunsten in de vroegere Russische hoofdstad Sint-Petersburg
português: Vista panorâmica do edifício da Academia Imperial das Artes em São Petersburgo, Rússia.
русский: Панорама здания Императорской Академии художеств в Санкт-Петербурге.
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
21 Apr '18
21 Apr '18
Picture of the day:
Copyright status: Licensed under the Public domain.
čeština: Americký vojenský člun jednotky Martime Expeditionary Squadron (MSRON) 1 na stráži ve vodách u americké vojenské základny v Kuvajtu - Kuwait Naval Base.
English: A port security boat assigned to Martime Expeditionary Squadron (MSRON) 1 patrols the waters near Kuwait Naval Base. MSRON-1 is deployed supporting maritime security operations and port security operations in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility.
español: Una embarcación de seguridad portuaria asignado al Escuadrón Expedicionario Marítimo 1 (MSRON-1) patrulla las aguas cerca de la Base Naval de Kuwait. MSRON-1 se implementó para dar soporte a las operaciones de seguridad marítima y portuaria en el área de responsabilidad de la Quinta Flota de los Estados Unidos.
magyar: Egy kikötővédelemre használt amerikai motorcsónak Kuvait partjainál
македонски: Американски воен патролен чамец во Кувајт.
Nederlands: Havenpatrouilleboot van het Maritime Expeditionary Squadron 1. MSRON-1 voert beveiligingstaken uit in gebieden die onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de Amerikaanse vijfde vloot vallen.
português: Embarcação de segurança portuária do Esquadrão Expedicionário Marítimo 1 (MSRON-1) patrulha as águas próximas à Base Naval do Kuwait.