by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
21 Mar '14
21 Mar '14
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Featured Picture category: Sets
čeština : Most Pol-e Dokhtar Bridge, Meyaneh, Írán.
English : Pol-e Dokhtar Bridge, Meyaneh, Iran.
italiano : Ponte di Pol-e Dokhtar, Meyaneh, Iran.
magyar : A Pol-e Dokhtar híd (Irán, Meyaneh)
Nederlands : De brug Pol-e Dokhtar bij de stad Meyaneh in Iran.
한국어 : 이란 메야네흐에 위치한 폴레 도크타르 다리.
中文(简体) : 伊朗米亚内女儿桥。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
20 Mar '14
20 Mar '14
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Featured Picture category: Objects (Vehicles)
čeština : Rybářský člun na lov úhořů The Mayflowers, typu Civellier, přístav Mortagne-sur-Gironde, department Charente-Maritime, Francie.
English : The Mayflowers, eel fishing boat (civellier), port of Mortagne-sur-Gironde, Charente-Maritime, France.
français : Le Mayflowers, civellier (pibalier), équipé de ses filets de pêche, port de Mortagne-sur-Gironde, Charente-Maritime, France.
italiano : Il Mayflowers nave per la pesca dell'anguilla, porto di Mortagne-sur-Gironde, Francia.
magyar : A Mayflowers halászhajó (civellier) Mortagne-sur-Gironde település kikötőjében (Franciaország, Charente-Maritime)
Nederlands : De palingvissersboot Mayflowers in de haven van Mortagne-sur-Gironde in het Franse departement Charente-Maritime.
한국어 : 프랑스 샤랑트마리팀 주, 모르타뉴쉬르지롱드 항구의 뱀장어 그물배 (civellier).
中文(简体) : 法国滨海夏朗德省吉龙德河畔莫尔塔尼港口停靠的五月花鳗鱼渔船。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
19 Mar '14
19 Mar '14
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Featured Picture category: Places (Natural)
čeština : Purekkari neem, nejsevernější bod Estonska na konci října.
English : Purekkari neem, northernmost point in mainland Estonia at the end of October.
français : Purekari neem, le point le plus au nord de l'Estonie continentale, fin octobre.
italiano : Purekkari neem, il punto più settentrionale dell' Estonia alla fine di ottobre.
magyar : Purekkari neem, Észtország legészakibb pontja október végén
Nederlands : Purekkari neem is het noordelijkste puntje op het vasteland in Estland en ligt in de Finse Golf, op de foto is het eind oktober.
русский : Мыс Пуреккари — самая северная точка материковой части Эстонии.
한국어 : 10월 말에 촬영한 에스토니아 최북단 푸레카리 곶.
中文(简体) : 爱沙尼亚最北处,普雷卡里·内姆。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
18 Mar '14
18 Mar '14
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Copyright status: Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.
Featured Picture category: Food and drink
čeština : Citrony vypěstované způsobem organického zemědělství.
English : Lemons from organic farming.
italiano : Limoni (Citrus × limon) prodotti da agricoltura biologica.
magyar : Bio-citrom
Nederlands : Citroenen afkomstig van biologische landbouw.
한국어 : 유기농 레몬.
日本語 : 有機栽培のレモン。
中文(简体) : 有机农场的柠檬。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
17 Mar '14
17 Mar '14
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Copyright status: Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.
Featured Picture category: Places (Architecture)
čeština : Hongkong; pohled od Victoria Peak směrem k přístavu Victoria Harbour a čtvrti Kowloon.
English : Hong Kong; View from Victoria Peak to Victoria Harbour and Kowloon
italiano : Hong Kong: panorama da Victoria Peak fino a Victoria Harbour e Caolun
magyar : Hongkong; a Viktória kikötő és Kaulung a Viktória-csúcs felől nézve
русский : Вид с пика Виктория на Коулун и бухту Виктория.
한국어 : 빅토리아 피크에서 빅토리아 항 쪽을 바라보며 찍은 홍콩의 야경.
日本語 : ヴィクトリア・ピークから眺めた香港の夜景。ヴィクトリア・ハーバー、九龍の方向を望む。
中文(简体) : 香港,从太平山顶看维多利亚港和九龙。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
16 Mar '14
16 Mar '14
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Copyright status: Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.
Featured Picture category: Places (Interiors)
čeština : Stanice metra McPherson Square station ve Washingtonu, USA.
English : McPherson Square station, Metro, Washington, D.C.
italiano : Stazione McPherson Square, metropolitana di Washington
magyar : A washingtoni metró McPherson Square állomása
русский : Мак-Фёрсон-сквер — подземная пересадочная станция Вашингтонгского метро.
한국어 : 워싱턴 DC 지하철 맥퍼슨광장역.
日本語 : ワシントンメトロ、マクファーソン・スクエア駅
中文(简体) : 美国华盛顿地铁麦佛森广场站。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
14 Mar '14
14 Mar '14
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Copyright status: Created by a Wikimedian (see image page for details);
Featured Picture category: Animals (Arthropods)
čeština : Eristalinus quinquestriatus, (vosička) z čeledi pestřenek.
English : Eristalinus quinquestriatus is a species of hoverfly. Most Eristalinus species have very distinctive eye marking in the form of spots or banding, though these features may fade on some preserved specimens. Most are stout flies, and are nimble flyers, even compared to other hoverfly species.
italiano : Eristalinus quinquestriatus una specie della famiglia dei sirfidi.
magyar : A zengőlégyfélék családjába tartozó Eristalinus quinquestriatus
Nederlands : Eristalinus quinquestriatus is een soort uit de familie van de zweefvliegen (Syrphidae).
русский : Журчалка Eristalinus quinquestriatus.
中文(简体) : 黄跗斑眼蚜蝇(Eristalinus quinquestriatus)。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
13 Mar '14
13 Mar '14
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Copyright status: Created by a Wikimedian (see image page for details);
Featured Picture category: People
čeština : Muž zametající sopečný popel ze silnice při výbuchu sopky Kelut roku 2014, Indonésie
English : A man sweeping ash from the road during the 2014 eruption of Kelud, Indonesia
italiano : Un uomo che scopa le ceneri dalla strada durante l'eruzione del Kelud nel 2014, Indonesia.
magyar : Hamut söprő ember a Kelud 2014-es vulkánkitörésénél (Indonézia, Jáva)
Nederlands : Een man veegt het as van de straat tijdens de uitbarsting van de vulkaan Kelud in de Indonesische provincie Oost-Java in 2014.
русский : Очистка улиц Джокьякарты от пепла, выпавшего при извержении вулкана Келуд.
日本語 : インドネシア・ケルート山の2014年噴火で、道路に降り積もった火山灰を掃き寄せる人。
中文(简体) : 2014年克卢德火山爆发后,一名印尼男子清扫路上的灰烬。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
12 Mar '14
12 Mar '14
Body of email:
Copyright status: Created by a Wikimedian (see image page for details);
Featured Picture category: Animals (Fish)
čeština : Ryba chňapálek modrožlutý (Caesio teres), Fidži.
English : Caesio teres in Fiji
italiano : Branco di Caesio teres nei mari delle Figi
magyar : Sárga és kékhátú lövészhal (Caesio teres) raj a Fidzsi-szigetek környékén
Nederlands : Caesio teres in Fiji.
русский : Цезий желтоспинный (Caesio teres) вблизи побережья Фиджи.
中文(简体) : 蓝黄梅鲷(Caesio teres)。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
11 Mar '14
11 Mar '14
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Featured Picture category: Places (Architecture)
čeština : Most Harbour Bridge, Sydney, Nový Jižní Wales, Austrálie.
English : Sydney Harbour Bridge from Circular Quay, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
italiano : Sydney Harbour Bridge, Sydney, Australia.
magyar : Sydney Harbour Bridge a Circular Quay felől (Ausztrália, Sydney)
Nederlands : Sydney Harbour Bridge gezien vanaf Circular Quay in Sydney, deelstaat Nieuw-Zuid-Wales, Australië.
русский : Мост Харбор-Бридж в Сиднее.
日本語 : サーキュラー・キーより望むシドニーハーバーブリッジ。オーストラリア、シドニーにて。
中文(简体) : 澳大利亚悉尼港湾大桥。