by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
11 Jan '13
11 Jan '13
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Featured Picture category: Plants
English : Mexican Gem (Echeveria elegans), mill garden, Sierra of Saint Philip, Setubal, Portugal.
español : Rosa de alabastro (Echeveria elegans), jardín del molino, Sierra de San Felipe, Setúbal, Portugal.
français : Echeveria elegans, jardin du moulin, Sierra de Saint-Philippe, Sétubal, Portugal
italiano : Echeveria elegans, Sierra di San Filippo, Setúbal, Portogallo.
magyar : Elegáns fáskövirózsa (Echeveria elegans)
Nederlands : Echeveria elegans in de molentuin van Sierra of Saint Philip, Setúbal, Portugal.
中文(简体) : 月影(Echeveria elegans)。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
10 Jan '13
10 Jan '13
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Featured Picture category: Places (Architecture)
Deutsch : Der Wittelsbacher Turm der Burg Trausnitz in Landshut
English : Trausnitz castle, Landshut, Germany.
español : Castillo Trausnitz, Landshut, Alemania.
français : Château de Trausnitz, Landshut, Allemagne.
italiano : Castello del Trausnitz, Landshut, Germania.
magyar : Trausnitz várkastély az alsó-bajorországi Landshutban
Nederlands : Kasteel Trausnitz in Landshut in Duitsland.
中文(简体) : 德国兰茨胡特特劳斯尼茨城堡。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
09 Jan '13
09 Jan '13
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Featured Picture category: Places
Deutsch : Der Olympiapark in München
English : Olympic Park, Munich, Germany.
español : Parque Olímpico, Múnich, Alemania.
français : Parc olympique de Munich, Allemagne.
italiano : Olympic Park, Monaco di Baviera, Germania.
magyar : A müncheni Olympiapark részlete
Nederlands : Olympisch Park in München, Duitsland.
русский : Олимпийский парк, Мюнхен, Германия
한국어 : 독일 뮌헨의 올림픽 공원.
中文(简体) : 德国慕尼黑奥林匹克公园。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
08 Jan '13
08 Jan '13
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Copyright status: Created by a Wikimedian (see image page for details);
Featured Picture category: Places (Natural)
English : Viru bog, Lahemaa National Park, Estonia.
español : Viru bog, Parque Nacional Lahemaa, Estonia.
français : Tourbière de Viru, Parc national de Lahemaa, Estonie.
italiano : Palude nel Parco nazionale Lahemaa, Estonia.
magyar : A <b>Viru</b> láp (Észtország, Lahemaa Nemzeti Park, 2012. VIII. 12-én)
Nederlands : Viru bog, Nationaal Park Lahemaa, Estland.
русский : Болото Виру, национальный парк Лахемаа, Эстония
中文(简体) : 爱沙尼亚拉赫马国家公园维鲁沼泽。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
07 Jan '13
07 Jan '13
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Featured Picture category: Animals (Birds)
Deutsch : Ein Rotkehlchen (Erithacus rubecula) im Münchener Tierpark Hellabrunn
English : European Robin (Erithacus rubecula), Tierpark Hellabrunn, Munich, Germany.
español : Petirrojo europeo (Erithacus rubecula), Tierpark Hellabrunn, Múnich, Alemania.
français : Rouge-gorge européen (Erithacus rubecula), Tierpark Hellabrunn, Munich, Allemagne.
italiano : Pettirosso (erithacus rubecula), zoo Tierpark Hellabrunn, Monaco di Baviera, Germania.
magyar : Vörösbegy (Erithacus rubecula) a müncheni Hellabrunn állatkertben
Nederlands : Roodborstje (Erithacus rubecula) in Tierpark Hellabrunn in München, Duitsland.
русский : Зарянка, зоопарк Хеллабрунн, Мюнхен, Германия
한국어 : 꼬까울새(Erithacus rubecula). 독일 뮌헨 남부 헬라브룬 동물원.
中文(简体) : 欧亚鸲(Erithacus rubecula)。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
06 Jan '13
06 Jan '13
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Featured Picture category: Places (Architecture)
Deutsch : Eingangsportal der Heilig-Geist-Kirche in Landshut
English : Entrance of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Landshut, Germany.
español : Entrada de la Iglesia del Espiritu Santo, Landshut, Alemania.
italiano : Ingresso della chiesa del Santo Spirito, Landshut, Germania.
magyar : A landshuti (Bajorország) Szentlélek-templom bejárata
Nederlands : De ingang van de Heilige Geestkerk in Landshut, Duitsland.
русский : Вход в церковь Святого Духа, Ландсхут, Германия
中文(简体) : 德国兰茨胡特圣灵教堂的入口。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
05 Jan '13
05 Jan '13
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Copyright status:
Featured Picture category: Plants
English : Senecio haworthii, Botanic Garden, Munich, Germany.
español : Senecio haworthii, Jardín Botánico, Múnich, Alemania.
italiano : Senecio haworthii, giardino botanico di Monaco di Baviera, Germania.
magyar : Aggófű (Senecio haworthii) a Müncheni Botanikus Kertben
Nederlands : Senecio haworthii in de botanische tuin in München, Duitsland.
polski : Senecio haworthii (roślina z rodzaju Senecio), ogród botaniczny w Monachium, Niemcy.
русский : Крестовник Senecio haworthii, ботанический сад, Мюнхен, Германия
한국어 : 은월(Senecio haworthii). 독일 뮌헨의 식물원에서.
中文(简体) : 银月(Senecio haworthii)。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
04 Jan '13
04 Jan '13
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Featured Picture category: Places (Natural)
Deutsch : Ein Feld mit Sonnenblumen (Helianthus annuus) mit dem Ort Cardejón und der Kirche Nuestra Señora de La Blanca in der spanischen Provinz Soria
English : Field of sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) with the church of Nuestra Señora de La Blanca in the background, Cardejón, Spain.
español : Campo de girasoles (Helianthus annuus) con la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de La Blanca al fondo, Cardejón, España.
italiano : Campo di girasole (helianthus annuus) con la chiesa di Nuestra Señora de La Blanca in sullo sfondo, Cardejón, Spagna.
magyar : Napraforgóföld (Helianthus annuus), a háttérben a Nuestra Señora de La Blanca templommal (Spanyolország, Cardejón)
Nederlands : Een veld van zonnebloemmen (Helianthus annuus) met de kerk van Nuestra Señora de La Blanca op de achtergrond, Cardejón, Spanje.
polski : Pole słoneczników (Helianthus annuus), w tle kościół Nuestra Señora de La Blanca, Cardejón w Hiszpanii.
русский : Поле подсолнухов и церковь Нуэстра-Сеньора-де-ла-Бланка, Кардехон, Испания
中文(简体) : 向日葵田野,拍摄于西班牙。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
03 Jan '13
03 Jan '13
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Featured Picture category: Astronomy
English : This artist’s impression shows two galaxies in the early Universe. The brilliant explosion on the left is a gamma-ray burst. As the light from the burst passes through the two galaxies on the way to Earth (outside the frame to the right) some colours are absorbed by the cool gas in the galaxies, leaving characteristic dark lines in the spectrum. Careful study of these spectra has allowed astronomers to discover that these two galaxies are remarkably rich in heavier chemical elements.
italiano : Due galassie all'inizio dell'Universo. La brillante esplosione sulla sinistra è un esplosione di raggi gamma, lo studio del loro spettro evidenzia le frequenze dei colori che sono state assorbiti nell'attraversare le due galassie (le linee scure) nel loro viaggio verso la terra. Ciò ha permesso agli astronomi di scoprire che queste due galassie sono eccezionalmente ricche di elementi pesanti.
русский : Художественное представление двух галактик и спектров их поглощения
한국어 : 초기 우주의 두 은하를 보여주는 그림. 왼쪽의 밝은 부분은 감마선 폭발이다. 폭발에서 나온 빛은 두 은하를 지나 지구로 향하면서 은하 내의 차가운 기체에 의해 특정 파장의 빛이 흡수되어 스펙트럼에 검은색 줄을 남겼다. 이를 통해 천문학자들은 이 두 은하가 무거운 원소들을 많이 가지고 있다는 것을 밝혀냈다.
中文(简体) : 这个作品显示了早期宇宙的两个星系。左边明亮的爆炸是一个伽玛射线暴,突发的亮光穿过这两个星系抵达地球,有些颜色被星系里的冷气体吸收。天文学家仔细研究这些光谱发现,这两个星系有丰富的重化学元素。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
02 Jan '13
02 Jan '13
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Featured Picture category: Objects
Deutsch : Rituelle Maske der Kwakwaka'wakw, British Columbia, Kanada, 19. Jahrhundert
English : Ritual mask of Kwakwaka'wakw tribe, British Columbia, end of 19<sup>th</sup> century.
français : Masque rituel (fin du XIX<sup>e</sup> siècle) du peuple Kwakwaka'wakw — peuple amérindien de la province de Colombie-Britannique.
italiano : Maschera rituale della tribù Kwakwaka'wakw delle Prime nazioni, Columbia Britannica alla fine del XIX secolo.
polski : Rytualna maska plemienia Kwakwala, Kolumbia Brytyjska, koniec XIX wieku
русский : Ритуальная маска народа Квакиутл, Британская Колумбия, Канада
中文(简体) : 19世纪末期,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省夸夸嘉夸族仪式面具。