by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
31 Aug '12
31 Aug '12
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Featured Picture category: Animals (Mammals)
English : Young Virginia Opossum crouching in a patch of oak leaves.
français : Un jeune opossum de Virginie au milieu de feuilles mortes de chêne.
italiano : Esemplare di didelphis virginiana accucciato in un mucchio di foglie di quercus.
magyar : Fiatal északi oposszum
Nederlands : Een jonge Virginiaanse opossum (Didelphis virginiana) gehurkt tussen de eikenbladeren.
português : Didelphis virginiana juvenil aninhado em folhas de carvalho.
русский : Виргинский опоссум, свернувшийся на дубовых листьях
한국어 : 어린 버지니아주머니쥐가 참나무잎 더미 위에서 몸을 웅크리고 있다.
中文(简体) : 北美负鼠。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
30 Aug '12
30 Aug '12
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Copyright status:
Featured Picture category: Animals (Arthropods)
English : The Common Fivering (Ypthima baldus) is a species of Satyrinae butterfly found in Asia. Taken at Kadavoor, Kerala, India.
français : Ypthima baldus, un papillon de la sous-famille des Satyrinae. Photo prise à Kadavoor, Kerala, Inde.
italiano : Esemplare di ypthima baldus della sottofamiglia satyrinae.<br />
Foto scattata a Kadavoor, Kerala, India.
magyar : A szemeslepkék közé tartozó Ypthima baldus (Kerala, India)
Nederlands : Een Ypthima baldus, een vlindersoort in de onderfamilie Satyrinae die gevonden kan worden in Azië. De foto werd genomen in Kadavoor in de deelstaat Kerala in India.
polski : Ypthima baldus jest gatunkiem motyla z podrodziny oczennicowatych (Satyrinae) spotykanym w Azii. Zdjęcie wykonano w Kadavoor w Kareli w Indiach.
русский : Бабочка Ypthima baldus, Кадавоор, Керала, Индия
한국어 : 애물결나비(Ypthima baldus)는 네발나비과 뱀눈나비아과에 속하는 아시아의 나비이다. 인도 케랄라 주 Kadavoor에서 촬영.
中文(简体) : 矍眼蝶是一种生活在亚洲的眼蝶亚科的蝴蝶。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
29 Aug '12
29 Aug '12
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Copyright status:
Featured Picture category: People
English : Firefighters in action in Château-Richer, Canada.
italiano : Vigili del fuoco in azione a Château-Richer, Canada.
magyar : Tűzoltók munka közben (Château-Richer, Kanada)
Nederlands : Brandweermannen in actie in Château-Richer in de Canadese provincie Québec.
русский : Пожарники в Шато-Рише, Канада
한국어 : 화재를 진압중인 캐나다의 소방관.
中文(简体) : 加拿大消防员在一次行动中。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
28 Aug '12
28 Aug '12
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Copyright status:
Featured Picture category: Animals (Mammals)
English : A Red deer (Cervus elaphus), in Freyr forest, near Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium.
italiano : Un cervus elaphus nella foresta di Freyr, nei pressi di Han-sur-Lesse, Belgio.
magyar : Gímszarvas
Nederlands : Een edelhert (Cervus elaphus) in het bosgebied Freyr nabij Han-sur-Lesse in België.
русский : Благородный олень в лесу Фрер, Ан-сюр-Лесс, Бельгия
中文(简体) : 马鹿(Cervus elaphus)
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
27 Aug '12
27 Aug '12
Body of email:
Copyright status: Created by a Wikimedian (see image page for details);
Featured Picture category: Places (Panoramas)
Deutsch : Blick durch das al-Dschabal-al-Achdar-Gebirge im Oman
English : View through the Jebel Akhdar mountains in Oman.
español : Vista de las montañas de es:Jebel Akhdar en Oman.
français : Vue sur la montagne de Djebel Akhdar en Oman.
italiano : Panorama delle montagne Jebel Akhdar in Oman.
magyar : Az ománi Jebel Akhdar hegység
Nederlands : Zicht op het bergmassief Djabal Achdar in het centrale deel van het Hadjargebergte in Oman.
русский : Вид в горах Джебель аль-Ахдар, Оман
中文(简体) : 阿曼绿山。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
26 Aug '12
26 Aug '12
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Copyright status:
Featured Picture category: Historical
English : Firing Squad in Iran, winner of Pulitzer Prize 1980, The photo was taken in 26 Aug 1979 and published in an Iranian newspaper three days later but photographer, Jahangir Razmi, was unidentified until 2006 because of his security.
italiano : Plotone di esecuzione in Iran. La foto, vincitrice del Premio Pulitzer 1980, è stata scattata il 26 agosto 1979 e pubblicata su un quotidiano iraniano, ma il fotografo, Jahangir Razmi, rimase ignoto fino al 2006, per motivi di sicurezza.
magyar : Kivégzés Iránban. A kép 1979. augusztus 26-án készült és három nap múlva jelent meg egy iráni újságban. A fotós neve (Jahangir Razmi) 2006-ig a személyes biztonsága érdekében titokban maradt. A kép elnyerte az 1980-as Pulitzer-díjat.
Nederlands : Vuurpeleton in Iran, de winnaar van de Pulitzerprijs 1980. De foto werd genomen op 26 augustus 1979 en drie dagen later gepubliceerd in een Iraanse krant, waarbij de fotograaf, Jahangir Razmi, onbekend was tot 2006 vanwege zijn veiligheid.
русский : Расстрел в Иране, фотография Джахангира Разми, получившая Пулитцеровскую премию 1980 года. Имя фотографа было раскрыто лишь в 2006 году.
中文(简体) : 1980年普利策奖得奖作品,《伊朗行刑队》,拍摄于1979年8月26日,三天后在伊朗的一份报纸上刊出,由于安全原因,摄影师贾汗吉尔·拉泽米的身份直到2006年才公布。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
25 Aug '12
25 Aug '12
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Copyright status:
Featured Picture category: Non-photographic media (Maps)
Deutsch : Wandkarte von Süd-West-Deutschland umfassend die Königreiche Bayern und Wörttembergidie Grossherzogthümer Baden und Hessen, das Fürstenthum Hohenzollern und das Reichsland Elsass-Lothringen / bearbeitet von Dr Heinrich Moehl
English : Wall map of Southwestern Germany, which includes the Kingdom of Bavaria, Württemberg Principalities of Baden and Hessen, the Principality of Hohenzollern, and the Imperial territory of Alsace-Lorraine, 1875. Restored by Dr Heinrich Moehl.
italiano : Mappa della Germania sud-occidentale con il Regno di Baviera, il Granducato di Baden, l'Hohenzollern-Hechingen e l'Alsazia-Lorena, a cura del dr. Dr Heinrich Moeh, 1875
magyar : Délnyugat-Németország egy 1875-ös fali térképen
Nederlands : Wandkaart van het zuidwesten van Duitsland met inbegrip van de koninkrijk van Beieren, Groothertogdom Baden, Groothertogdom Hessen, vorstendom Hohenzollern en het Reichsland Elzas-Lotharingen, onder de redactie van Heinrich Moehl.
русский : Настенная карта юго-западной Германии, 1875
中文(简体) : 德国西南部1875年地图,包括巴伐利亚、巴登、黑森和阿尔萨斯-洛林。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
24 Aug '12
24 Aug '12
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Copyright status:
Featured Picture category: Animals (Arthropods)
English : Female digger bee (Anthophora sp.) collecting nectar from Asphodelus ramosus. Taken at Canada Park, Judean Foothills, Israel, February 9, 2012.
italiano : Anthophora colleziona il nettare da un :Asphodelus ramosus.<br />
Foto scattata nel Canada Park, Judean Foothills, Israele.
magyar : Mézelő méh virágpor gyűjt egy Aszfodélosz virágból
Nederlands : Een vrouwelijke bij van de tribe Anthophorini die nectar verzameld van de Asphodelus ramosus. De foto is genomen op 9 februari 2012 in Canada Park in Israël.
русский : Пчела собирает нектар с цветка Asphodelus ramosus. Парк Канада, Израиль
中文(简体) : 雌性条蜂族蜜蜂收集密枝日影兰花蜜。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
22 Aug '12
22 Aug '12
Body of email:
Copyright status: Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.
Featured Picture category: Animals (Arthropods)
English : The Gaika Blue or Tiny Grass Blue (Zizula hylax) is a species of blue butterfly. Taken at Kadavoor, Kerala, India.
italiano : Zizula hylax.<br />
Foto scattata a Kadavoor, Kerala, India.
magyar : Boglárkalepke, Zizula hylax (India)
Nederlands : De Zizula hylax is een soort van de familie van dagvlinders, de Lycaenidae. De foto werd genomen te Kadavoor in de deelstaat Kerala in India.
русский : Голубянка Zizula hylax, Кадавоор, Керала, Индия
中文(简体) : 迷你蓝灰蝶(Zizula hylax)是灰蝶科的一种蝴蝶。
by Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Day
21 Aug '12
21 Aug '12
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Copyright status:
Featured Picture category: Places (Architecture)
English : Interior of St. Andrew's Catholic Church in Roanoke, Virginia, USA.
español : Interior de la Iglesia Católica de San Andrés en Roanoke, Virginia (EE.UU.)
italiano : Interno della chiesa cattolica di St. Andrew, a Roanoke, Virginia, Stati Uniti d'America.
magyar : Szent András katolikus templom belseje (Roanoke, Virginia, USA)
Nederlands : Het interieur van de Saint Andrew Church in Roanoke in de Amerikaanse staat Virginia.
polski : Wnętrze kościoła św. Andrzeja w Roanoke (USA).
русский : Интерьер католической церкви святого Андрея, Роанок, Виргиния, США
中文(简体) : 美国弗吉尼亚州罗诺克圣安德鲁天主教堂。