2009/10/12 Syagrius syagrius@gmx.fr
"Without text" is for the pages that are "Without text". Dot. I don't understand where you see a problem. Every page with some text (even if it is only one line) should be proofread, and every empty pages (like this one : http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Seite:De_Zerstreute_Bl%C3%A4tter_IV_(Herder)_3...http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Seite:De_Zerstreute_Bl%C3%A4tter_IV_%28Herder%29_366.jpg) should not. It is very simple to operate a bot to transform these pages (marked as "*WS: Diese Seite ist ohne Eintragungen") *into "Without text", exactly as en.ws and fr.ws did. It is just a matter of equity and respect.
Well, things aren't that simple. For example: http://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Seite:Der_Stechlin_%28Fontane%29_519.jpg This is an advertisement at the end of a novel for other works from the same author. Transcribing and proofreading it would be as waste of time, as it is no integral part of the novel.