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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Evan Harris Date: 20 March 2012 04:15 Subject: Would you like to game guide for Catalysts for Change? To: Oona Castro,, Tessa Finlev
Oi Oona e Paula!
Tudo bem??
I'd like to introduce you to my colleague, Tessa Finlev, who is running a new game at IFTF called Catalysts for Change. She'll tell you more about it if you have any questions... Please see a note from her below...
Thank you! -David
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The Institute for the Future has been working on a project to look at the future of development and to spot the innovative things people are doing around the world to get our of poverty. As part of this long process we are launching an online game (more like a thought experiment) for 48 hours on April 3-5. Here's a link explaining it a bit better,
I am looking for game guides from all over the world to help us out and make sure we have diverse view points. I was wondering if you could help us. What I would need is about 8 hours of your time spread out over those 48 hours. Your main role would be to blog about the game in our game blog (using your Brazilian perspective to reflect on the ideas that are being passed around), as well as to engage with players by using special moderator powers to award points and by playing the game and keeping the conversation flowing.
Please let me know if you have the time and might be interested. If you can send me along a bio or CV so I can get to know you a bit better that will be great, and then I will send you more details about the role of a game guide and how we'll go about getting you on board. I am hoping to have people from all over the world from Denmark to the Philippines, to South Africa and Finland, Nigeria, and Peru. I'd love to get someone from Brazil as well!
The game is fast approaching so if you can get back to me either way as soon as possible I'd appreciate it! I have an honorarium of $300 to offer for your help.
- Tessa