I am not able to access referenced PDFs right now, assuming it's authoritative enough. I hope it's not a prank, specially considering its name...
El 1/10/19 a les 17:46, Samuel Klein ha escrit:
From a Harvard biology list, via my friend Chris: a newly named species of Viola https://species.wikimedia.org/wiki/Viola_wikipedia! /SJ
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Many of you may use Wikipedia.
Here is a plant name (*Viola Wikipedia*), which may be first name to honor Wikipedia.
Viola wikipedia J.M.Watson & A.R.Flores, Int. Rock Gard. 117: 47. 2019
P. 47: http://www.srgc.org.uk/logs/logdir/2019Sep261569525649IRG117.pdf https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.srgc.org.uk_logs_logdir_2019Sep261569525649IRG117.pdf&d=DwMGaQ&c=WO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ&r=DZmqtQRXyhOgqkztI2mO9VzZ8DCBvq1PIRFZAci7Tsc&m=QN0PfyGenvJvsBs0frndXDgnn6JpuVuNAekxhaopqDY&s=Rs2HOY64PqT09T_jorN-UQ-sYKpTsGk30n1uDSRparQ&e=
The authors gave a detailed explanation for their choice of the epithet Wikipedia.
“Etymology: We Watsons investigate and write up all our publications at home. We are retired on small pensions, belong to no institution, and work privately on a largely self-funded basis. In the past, we have visited the herbaria and libraries at K and SGO regularly, and once or occasionally B, CONC, LIL, MERL, P, SI, and ULS as well. But for various reasons we are very seldom able to travel to any these days, and have only managed two such visits in the last five years. So now, at the very apogee of our 'publication era', we are totally dependent on our indispensable home library and ... the Internet. Without the latter, we could literally achieve nothing of scientific relevance. It provides information from such a wide number of reference sources and personal contacts that it is impossible to even begin to think about listing them all. However, one is particularly outstanding in that we consult it constantly for information on a wide variety of subjects related to our work - Wikipedia, as cited herein for example. The best token return we can think of is to name a plant accordingly, so it therefore gives us pleasure to record our gratitude via the replacement epithet of this species, as a noun in apposition.”