Hello colleagues,
For this month's Wikimedia Café online video meeting we will continue last month's discussion regarding Wikimedia activities and organizations in India. Additional topics may be added to the agenda.
Please see the page on Meta https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Caf%C3%A9 for more information, and watch the page for any updates particularly to the schedule or the agenda. Signing up for the meeting is optional, but is helpful to the organizers so that we can estimate how many people will attend. Signing up for the meeting also informs us who we should notify individually if there are significant changes, such as to the schedule for the meeting.
The meeting style will emphasize discussion rather than presentation. People are welcome to participate as listeners only if they prefer.
If there are any problems with connecting to the meeting or if you have any questions or comments then please write on the Meta talk page.