Hoi, There is a lot of data available to us that is not presented as information in any and all languages. Our mission is one where we share in the sum of all knowledge. There is however a big difference between knowledge and information.
We do not provide knowledge, we provide information. When the information is in a digistable format, people understand the information and it is integrated in their knowledge. It takes knowledge to provide information. It is needed by the authors of Wikipedia articles, it is needed by the people adding data to any and all of the Wikimedia projects.
When we have enough data in Wikidata to provide information, we could provide this information when this data is sought. This award [1] does not have an article in any language, it is a prestigeous award that I added because I learned that [2] received the award in 2017. There is a very moving Youtube clip that explains what this organisation does [3]. When you check the links you may be informed in any language, the youtube clip is English only.
When we consider what we do, we overestimate what we achieve with Wikipedia. We could inform our audience much better when we start providing information. We can generate text in any language if we choose to. We would probably do a better job when we write the prose but we fail completely when we do not provide the information.
In answer to the question, who if not Wikipedia.. We could provide generated information even text when there is nothing available. In this way we will provide a better service in any language. We could do this within any Wikipedia .. who / where if not Wikipedia? Thanks, GerardM
[1] https://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?q=Q50227997 [2] https://tools.wmflabs.org/reasonator/?&q=49330 [3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDL1ADvimxg