I've begun using tor+ for debian based systems and it's working great. No need to add apt.conf.d customizations or anything. Unfortunately, I'm unable to find an up-to-date https mirror of the Linux Mint repos. has one, but it isn't kept up to date, and their SSL certs require some fiddling to work. (disable hostname verification :( )
Would the maintainers mind mirroring the Linux Mint repos? The setup info is here:
It takes about 25GB, and they request that it be sync'd twice per day.
For background, I've included my /etc/apt/sources.list.d/official-package-repositories.list
------------------8<------------------------------ deb tor+ serena main upstream import backport #id:linuxmint_main
deb tor+ xenial main restricted universe multiverse deb tor+ xenial-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb tor+ xenial-backports main restricted universe multiverse
deb tor+ xenial-security main restricted universe multiverse deb tor+ xenial partner ------------------8<------------------------------
I'd like to change the first line to point towards mirrors.wm.o as well.