For those of you who are not on Facebook, this is the message his family posted on his Facebook profile: --- After a courageous battle with cancer, my loving husband, my best friend, and a wonderful father passed away peacefully yesterday morning. Thanks to everyone who helped us through this journey. We will have a celebration of life in the near future, we will let you know as soon as we have the details.
Christine and Darren.
Après une bataille courageuse avec le cancer, mon mari, mon meilleur ami et un père formidable nous a quité en paix hier matin. Merci à tous ceux qui nous ont soutenu durant notre voyage. Nous allons avoir une célébration de sa vie, aussitôt que nous avons les details nous allons vous avissez.
Avec tout notre amour.
Christine et Darren. ---
I discovered only a few months ago and by chance that he was fighting cancer. I met Ray in 2010 at Wikimania. This is very sad news.