One of the things that someone asked me privately to discuss is what I think of the possibility of James running for the board again.
First, I have no opinion about whether or not he will be eligible at the next election. That's a matter for people other than me to decide. I don't know.
Second, if he is eligible, and if he runs, and if he wins, then I will support his joining the board. Because I've been willing to be vocal about what I view as his failures, people have sometimes gotten the mistaken impression that this is primarily a personal conflict between him and me. That's not true. Before the board vote to remove him, I told him that I would vote with the majority - because it is my feeling that on matters of trust, if he was unable to command the trust of at least the majority of other trustees, his position would be untenable.
Third, it may interest you all to know that I did not and would not have instigated the meeting in which he was removed from the board. Indeed, I missed an online board meeting where things happened apparently that brought this to a head, and in the final meeting with James, I mainly inquired "What brought this up now?" as I thought things were settling down.
Fourth, having said all of that, I remain very disappointed in James and the way he has spun this without coming forward with the community about what happened. He claimed reasons for his dismissal that everyone else on the board agrees unanimously are not the reasons. I haven't seen him acknowledge that he was wrong about that, and I haven't seen him own up to the things that actually upset people.
There are many narratives being spun by people who weren't there, who have made all kinds of assumption that aren't true.