Lane writes:
Can you please contact any Wikimedia chapter and ask them to request nominations?
Ok. I take it they have already been emailed directly? And each chapter can handle this however they like?
Get any chapter to make any request for whatever kind of person they would nominate, then maybe they can call for whatever they want.
Where should they do this – on Meta somewhere, on this list, on the private chapters mailing list? Is there somewhere they can see wishlists others have proposed?
This questions page does not shed much light; who is expected to contribute to it?
=== Risker writes:
Well, I was interpreting SJ's question to be directed to everyone who is involved in this election, not just the three election coordinators.
Yes. And +1 to your other comments.
I think the selection process would benefit from the affiliates considering & sharing what is on their wishlist for candidates, before nominations are closed. If the facilitators can help make this happen, all the better.
Ask questions everywhere. This is a wiki election and should proceed in wiki style.
++ Good, that's why I asked in the first place. Feel free to migrate this discussion elsewhere.