My initial, gut reaction to your suggestion was positive. I like that you have thought of a way to make blog content more accessible to the public.
However, on reflection: * The Planet Wikimedia blog predates the Wikimedia Foundation's blog by some years, and is well populated by a variety of people blogging about Wikipedia and the other projects. * I run a blog that's almost entirely dedicated to Wikipedia, as do many other individuals (off the top of my head, Gerard Meijssen is one, Erik Zachte, etc.) * Many affliliated organizations (such as the Wiki Education Foundation, Wiki Med Foundation, and various chapters) have their own Wikipedia-oriented blogs as well.
I believe (as others have said) the primary result of your proposal is that it would make the official Wikimedia blog more discoverable; but that increase would come at the expense of community-driven efforts. On that basis, I can't support it. I think the results people get typing queries like "Wikipedia blog" into search engines are adequate. The Wikimedia blog already has the top (blog) spot on that specific query. I don't see any compelling reason to further increase its SEO performance at the expense of other Wikipedia-oriented blogs.
-Pete [[User:Peteforsyth]]