Hi All,
Apologies for any confusion with the "powered by" language. The purpose of the language was not, in any way, intended to provide advertising or endorsement of the survey provider. The reasoning behind this language was: (1) brevity given limited space; (2) notice to survey takers and link clickers that they would be taken to a non-Wikimedia site; and (3) transparency about the survey provider that we are using for that particular survey and an easy link to that provider's privacy terms so that users could make an educated decision about their own privacy. We are more than happy to use alternate language that achieves those purposes.
Regarding why we don't use LimeSurvey - we actually used to use LimeSurvey years ago. However, if I recall correctly, there were some major security and scalability issues discovered and Tech decided it would be best to shut the server down. That is when we started exploring use of third-party survey providers like Qualtrics.
Hope that helps. -Michelle == Michelle Paulson Legal Director Wikimedia Foundation 149 New Montgomery Street, 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 mpaulson@wikimedia.org 415.839.6885 ext. 6608 (Office) 415.882.0495 (Fax)
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