David Cuenca, 16/05/2014 20:41:
Wikiwix doesn't combine results from other non-wikimedia sites. And the CC portal just directs to each different search engine. Those are really poor search solutions when looking for results from multiple free knowledge sites.
Thanks anyhow for pointing me to them, I didn't know about their existence before.
Sure, I mentioned them as two long-time loosely related partners of ours who could be (in theory) contacted for an idea like yours, now that there are more options. No idea who else could be interested: the last Ubuntu, and Firefox since forever, have their own "search portals", but with their own priorities.
Otherwise, we can just wait for the miracles of APIs and free licenses to happen, at most with some prodding, unrelatedly from any effort of ours. For instance, Yandex seems to have some interest in our stuff, maybe they'll do something surprising at some point. :)