On 15/06/2014 22:32, Pete Forsyth wrote:
A couple days ago, a regular, anonymous WO participant -- who has
benefited from many friendly exchanges with Wil -- had the following to say about a longtime Wikipedian (who's not active on Wikipediocracy, to my knowledge) using their full given name: "[name elided], you're a cunt...You are the worst kind of coward" and then insults this person's physical appearance. Some forum participants objected to this comment,[8] and suggested it might be removed, but to date it hasn't been. Wil responded with light, good-natured scolding.[9] <<
Oh come on, this 'longtime Wikipedian' (Kevin Gorman) was the one who told Sinclair to 'back the fuck off'. I can understand Sinclair's reaction, in those circumstances.