Hello Anne,
Thank you for your interest. I have posted your question and the following response on the report's talk page https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Programs_talk:Evaluation_portal/Library/WEP
Please continue with any further comments and dialogue there.
Best regards,
== For the overall WEP report could you please spell out on the Wiki page exactly what programs you are talking about, and link each to their specific report? I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly what is being reported as part of the WEP, what projects are affected, and which programs have more participants. ==
:Program leaders who self-reported were assured their data would be reported without their program name identifiers. With this low a report count, even without program names listed in line with the data, this is very difficult to do. The implementations reported here represent program activity in the Arab world program, Czech Republic, Mexico, Nepal, Quebec, and the US/Canada. The data reported at the bottom actually have unique "Report ID" numbers that can be matched across the last three tables so that you can actually regenerate the dataset missing only event names (See Appendix heading "More Data" for the complete input, output, and outcome data used in the report). Those data include the instructor classroom count, number of program weeks, and participant counts for each implementation reported. In the future we plan to ask program leaders what level of identifiability in this reporting they are comfortable with and include identifiers in cases in which reporters volunteer to share that information publicly. :However, as there is some expressed interest in possibly comparing programs, I must restate the need for caution, at this early stage in the reporting, with such small numbers of implementers reporting (less than 10% potentially), we are aware that the data do not represent all programming, and that the data are too variable to draw comparisons between programs statistically. Further, in the case where the count of classroom varies highly across implementations, aggregate reporting of more than one-hundred classrooms is not directly comparable to the reporting of a single classroom since summative statistics from an increased number of observations generates a ''regression to the mean'' and do not make for a one-to-one comparison. :These issues as well as any other comments and/or suggestions are welcome on this talk page.