Wikitech-l October 2018
  • 71 participants
  • 69 discussions

11 Oct '18
2018-09-26 Scrum of Scrums meeting notes
by Grace Gellerman 11 Oct '18

11 Oct '18
2018-10-03 Scrum of Scrums meeting notes
by Grace Gellerman 11 Oct '18

11 Oct '18
2018-10-10 Scrum of Scrums meeting notes
by Grace Gellerman 11 Oct '18

11 Oct '18
Translations on hold until further notice
by Greg Grossmeier 10 Oct '18

10 Oct '18
13 19
0 0

09 Oct '18
OOUI v0.29.2 released
by Volker E. 09 Oct '18

09 Oct '18

09 Oct '18
Datacenter switchover and switchback
by Alexandros Kosiaris 05 Oct '18

05 Oct '18
7 10
0 0
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