I would like to have 2 mailing lists set up, can someone do this for me?
One: wiki-research-l, "A low volume list for people who are actively
engaged in research on the Wikipedia project" -- this list should be
moderated with me as the moderator for now. It should be open for
anyone to subscribe to. I will find a proper moderator soon.
Two: wiki-offline-reader-l "A list for the co-ordination of work on a
free offline MediaWiki reader" -- there are several people who have
contacted me recently about doing a project like this and I feel that a
separate mailing list to focus on this will be helpful.
I am open to suggestions or commands :-) regarding the names, focus,
etc. of these lists, but I'd like to get them started fairly quickly
because I have business cards of lots of people who want me to do this.