From: tarquin >Please, mac users, what do you use ???? >I Use Mac OS X 10.1 Chimera browser :-) Are you still on OS 9?
Yes. Still on OS 9. I have a G3 (imac graphite 3 years old). It would be possible, but technically not very reasonnable to upgrade it to X. I might increase the memory but the cadency would be too weak anyway.
Besides, I have no problem with any other application I use (and I already know some will likely not work under X), so I am not planning to ruin myself before at least a year, maybe 2. I would be curious to know, but I think the majority of macs are still under 9. Imacs were sold *a lot* about 2-3 years ago, and most wouldnot be under X.
>From: Daniel Mayer
>If it realy doesn't work, try upgrading your browser.
This is a totally wrong-headed way to look at things. Most net users have out-of-date browsers and we shouldn't expect them to upgrade to the latest version of their browser just to write articles. /Very/ unWiki.
Users are not only people at home, on their personnal computer, that they might upgrade or not upgrade (because, they do not necessarily *know* how to do so), but also people working, on the business computer.
I work with a couple of big firms. To simplify administration, the tech team try to have all computers exactly on the same config, worldwide. Same os, same browser, same version. And NEVER the latest one. So all of the config will be supported by "old" 2/3 years old computers, and also because they prefer to wait till bugs are really found out. That means, many working people are not on the latest browsers, and can not change that themselves.
And though my country is not one of the poorest, most computers in schools and librairies are kept for nearly 10 years. What to say of other places ?
What you developers do is *very* important, the wikipedia concept entirely rely on you, and how suitable (readable and editable) you make it to the highest possible number of people. Not only people on the latest PC, with Internet Explorer 6. But also Mac users, and couple of years old hardware, and diactrics users, and near-blind users, and keyboard-without-easy-access-to-accentuated-letters, and modem-users, and 600*800 users. 'Cause we don't always have choice. Sorry, don't mean to hurt anybody, but programing is not an end, just a tool. And please don't say "here's the code, you're welcome, help yourself", I am a programing disabled-person ;-))
Well, if necessary, I think I could find figures for my country. Meanwhile, please don't switch the to UTF 8 before we all know what it will imply in terms of usability.
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