Hi Sam,
Good idea !
For me, the Wikidata linking part seems (maybe the most) important. That's a great tools to visualise that most books are badly put in Wikidata (so much P1957 missing!).
The importing from PG part seems important too (but for fr.ws - IIRC - we already have most of PG works).
Cdlt, ~nicolas
2016-10-14 12:55 GMT+02:00 Anika Born WikiAnika@wikipedia.de:
Hy Alex,
My comment was not about spending some time on a PG-Projekt or not spending any time at all.
The point/question (when it comes to de-WS) is a different one:
(A) to spend some of our valuable contributions into a project that already is freely available (in another format) or spend this time in a (related) project that is NOT already freely available? (and we do have a lot of them)
// note, it is not about not spending any time in proofreading or the Wikisourceproject... it is about finding valuable projects/texts to invest our time...
I see the thing differently: when a text is on Gutenberg, why should we redo it again from scratch on Wikisource when we can just copy it?
- (B) to spend this time in a project, that may cost us the findability of
the whole wikisource-project (and all other texts on wikisource) because Google/Bing/others do tag us as fork/reuser/copy of ... (as happened in the past, at least with de, when we had some texts of the commercial http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/ that is also supported by ABBY with a free softwarelizense)
I've never heard of this before. Did it happen only on de.ws ? is it really because of copying Gutenberg? (and was it before the proofreading which changed pretty much everything ?)
Cdlt, ~nicolas