I reloaded a new version of [[File:Progetto di una strada a guide di ferro
da Venezia a Milano.djvu]], since previous souce was wrong (some pages lack
the image of tables). Now, when proofreading, after many days from upload,
when reading page :it:s:pagina:Progetto di una strada a guide di ferro da
Venezia a Milano.djvu/94 the right, updated thombnail is shown, while the
old, blank one is shown when editing the page.
You can see the difference comparing the result of the code [[File:Progetto
di una strada a guide di ferro da Venezia a Milano.djvu|page=94|1000px]] and
[[File:Progetto di una strada a guide di ferro da Venezia a
Milano.djvu|page=94|900px]]. The first one is wrong, the second one is
What's happening? Is it a matter of patience only? Is there some trick to
force a remote, exotic cache purging?
Alex brollo