For me Starbucks sounds great! It's easier for me to get there (I'm coming from Cotia city). But I think I can arrive only around 20h, but I can try around 19h.
Can we confirm at Starbucks?
I'll be online all the day and I'l read your answers.
Translation /Tradução para quem não está acompanhando e quer ir no encontro:
Para mim Starbucks parece ótimo! É mais fácil para eu chegar lá (estou vindo de Cotia). Mas acho que posso chegar apenas por volta das 20h, mas tentarei chegar às 19h?
Podemos confirmar na Starbucks?
Estarei online o dia todo e verei suas respostas.
Até mais,
2009/8/22 MacBookPro
Oi Rodrigo! I don't know my way around Sao Paulo very well (Sampa!) so why don't you and Tom decide together (or with the other Wikipedians) where you want to meet and I will be there. Starbucks or Casa Bras. Cult. Digital: either sounds find to me. See you tonight! Don't worry about your me with my Portuguese ;) Tchau, Kul
Hello, Kul, my name is Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton and am a volunteer of the Wikimedia Brazil, would like to offer another suggestion for today, since I presented on the project mailing list Wikimedia Brazil and they said to send an email to you, well, a coffee at Starbucks Alameda Santos 1054, 7 pm, which I find a nice place to chat, sorry for my poor writing in English
-- Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton +55 11 7971-8884 On Aug 22, 2009, at 5:29 AM, Thomas de Souza Buckup wrote:
Kul and Tom,
The address is Vitorino Carmilo, 453 Santa Cecília - São Paulo (not far from a metro station). They offered a room for you to meet and talk to wikipedians, as there will probably be a lot of noise from the big party that is going to happen at the same time.
At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide where to do this meeting. So please send to the mailing-list the address, if you want to do it there. Tom, you can also make your own suggestion and recommend a better place to do it. I really don't care and don't know where it's going to be. I'll let you all decide together with the people on the mailing-list.
Tom, please don't say that you only knew about the meeting on Friday a few hours before it happened. It was discussed a longer time ago on the mailing-list. It was any activity suggested by Sergio, as you know, and you could always have asked him to join, if you wanted to. Feel free, as always, to call me too, if you need to talk about anything else.
Abraços, Thomas
On 22/08/2009, MacBookPro wrote:
I believe the address for tomorrow (Saturday) has been changed.
Thomas, can you tell us where it is going to be again?
I'm sorry I didn't reply to you earlier but my CPU got corrupted and I
have spending all my time here trying to restore my computer. I hope
to see you and everyone else tomorrow!
On Aug 20, 2009, at 10:05 PM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga wrote:
Dear Kul,
I was informed this friday there will be a meeting organized by Sergio
Amadeu at Casa Brasileira de Cultura Digital together with free
software developers. I'd like to participate of this talk, but
unfortunately it was divulged only a few hours agor at Wikimedia
Brasil maling list. I add the information about your visit at meta:
Maybe you could add some other events you are going to participate and
Wikimedia/Wikipedia voluenteers can join at this page. I would divulge
for atract more people possibily interested.
About the meet you have suggested at Wikimedia Brasil mailing list,
I'd like to know if you need some help for going from Av. Faria Lima
to Av. Paulista. If yes, I could go with you (by bus or by car, if dad
can borrow his car at this time). If no, I can tell you the name of
the bar we will decide and just meet there (a volunteers suggested Bar
Opção, but I'm looking for a calmer place where people can talk - just
tell me your preference!).
You can reach me by this email or:
Mobile: +55-11-9242-5348
skype: everton137
Twitter: everton137
See you,
2009/8/20 Thomas de Souza Buckup
Tudo parece estar rolando de maneira bem descentralizada.
O Sergio agendou a reuniao entre o Kul e os contatos sugeridos por
na sexta, às 15:, na Casa Bras. Cult. Digital, como planejado.
A Mariane organizou algumas entrevistas (Veja e Estado) e o Fabio
Tran, wikipedista, agendou uma reuniao com uma empresa do Fundo
O Kul parece que continua disponivel para o sabado e esta acessando
email para saber onde sera. Encontrei um wikipedista hoje, Patrick,
que sugeriu o bar Opçâo, atras do Masp. Espero que ele consiga ler
essa mensagem para mandar sinal de fumaça.
On 20/08/2009, Everton Zanella Alvarenga
Então, o que ele vem fazer no Brasil? Organizaram alguma coisa?
Thomas, você não ia nos contar?
Vou mandar um email para ele marcando algum lugar no sábado à
noite na
Av. Paulista. Alguém tem interesse de ir? Vai ser algum barzinho que
dê para conversar, sem muito barulho.
Achei bem bacana a iniciativa do Kul de mandar email direto para
nós e
não me sentiria bem em não recebê-lo.
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
Sent from my mobile device
Thomas de Souza Buckup
+55 11 3477-2834
+55 11 9213-3931
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
-- Sent from my mobile device
Thomas de Souza Buckup +55 11 3477-2834 +55 11 9213-3931
Confirmed! See you at Starbucks at 19h.
Até mais
On Aug 22, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga wrote:
For me Starbucks sounds great! It's easier for me to get there (I'm coming from Cotia city). But I think I can arrive only around 20h, but I can try around 19h.
Can we confirm at Starbucks?
I'll be online all the day and I'l read your answers.
Translation /Tradução para quem não está acompanhando e quer ir no encontro:
Para mim Starbucks parece ótimo! É mais fácil para eu chegar lá (estou vindo de Cotia). Mas acho que posso chegar apenas por volta das 20h, mas tentarei chegar às 19h?
Podemos confirmar na Starbucks?
Estarei online o dia todo e verei suas respostas.
Até mais,
2009/8/22 MacBookPro
Oi Rodrigo! I don't know my way around Sao Paulo very well (Sampa!) so why don't you and Tom decide together (or with the other Wikipedians) where you want to meet and I will be there. Starbucks or Casa Bras. Cult. Digital: either sounds find to me. See you tonight! Don't worry about your me with my Portuguese ;) Tchau, Kul
Hello, Kul, my name is Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton and am a volunteer of the Wikimedia Brazil, would like to offer another suggestion for today, since I presented on the project mailing list Wikimedia Brazil and they said to send an email to you, well, a coffee at Starbucks Alameda Santos 1054, 7 pm, which I find a nice place to chat, sorry for my poor writing in English
-- Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton +55 11 7971-8884 On Aug 22, 2009, at 5:29 AM, Thomas de Souza Buckup wrote:
Kul and Tom,
The address is Vitorino Carmilo, 453 Santa Cecília - São Paulo (not far from a metro station). They offered a room for you to meet and talk to wikipedians, as there will probably be a lot of noise from the big party that is going to happen at the same time.
At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide where to do this meeting. So please send to the mailing-list the address, if you want to do it there. Tom, you can also make your own suggestion and recommend a better place to do it. I really don't care and don't know where it's going to be. I'll let you all decide together with the people on the mailing-list.
Tom, please don't say that you only knew about the meeting on Friday a few hours before it happened. It was discussed a longer time ago on the mailing-list. It was any activity suggested by Sergio, as you know, and you could always have asked him to join, if you wanted to. Feel free, as always, to call me too, if you need to talk about anything else.
Abraços, Thomas
On 22/08/2009, MacBookPro wrote:
I believe the address for tomorrow (Saturday) has been changed.
Thomas, can you tell us where it is going to be again?
I'm sorry I didn't reply to you earlier but my CPU got corrupted and I
have spending all my time here trying to restore my computer. I hope
to see you and everyone else tomorrow!
On Aug 20, 2009, at 10:05 PM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga wrote:
Dear Kul,
I was informed this friday there will be a meeting organized by Sergio
Amadeu at Casa Brasileira de Cultura Digital together with free
software developers. I'd like to participate of this talk, but
unfortunately it was divulged only a few hours agor at Wikimedia
Brasil maling list. I add the information about your visit at meta:
Maybe you could add some other events you are going to participate and
Wikimedia/Wikipedia voluenteers can join at this page. I would divulge
for atract more people possibily interested.
About the meet you have suggested at Wikimedia Brasil mailing list,
I'd like to know if you need some help for going from Av. Faria Lima
to Av. Paulista. If yes, I could go with you (by bus or by car, if dad
can borrow his car at this time). If no, I can tell you the name of
the bar we will decide and just meet there (a volunteers suggested Bar
Opção, but I'm looking for a calmer place where people can talk - just
tell me your preference!).
You can reach me by this email or:
Mobile: +55-11-9242-5348
skype: everton137
Twitter: everton137
See you,
2009/8/20 Thomas de Souza Buckup
Tudo parece estar rolando de maneira bem descentralizada.
O Sergio agendou a reuniao entre o Kul e os contatos sugeridos por
na sexta, às 15:, na Casa Bras. Cult. Digital, como planejado.
A Mariane organizou algumas entrevistas (Veja e Estado) e o Fabio
Tran, wikipedista, agendou uma reuniao com uma empresa do Fundo
O Kul parece que continua disponivel para o sabado e esta acessando
email para saber onde sera. Encontrei um wikipedista hoje, Patrick,
que sugeriu o bar Opçâo, atras do Masp. Espero que ele consiga ler
essa mensagem para mandar sinal de fumaça.
On 20/08/2009, Everton Zanella Alvarenga
Então, o que ele vem fazer no Brasil? Organizaram alguma coisa?
Thomas, você não ia nos contar?
Vou mandar um email para ele marcando algum lugar no sábado à
noite na
Av. Paulista. Alguém tem interesse de ir? Vai ser algum barzinho que
dê para conversar, sem muito barulho.
Achei bem bacana a iniciativa do Kul de mandar email direto para
nós e
não me sentiria bem em não recebê-lo.
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
Sent from my mobile device
Thomas de Souza Buckup
+55 11 3477-2834
+55 11 9213-3931
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
-- Sent from my mobile device
Thomas de Souza Buckup +55 11 3477-2834 +55 11 9213-3931
Ok, I'll be there around 20h. I informed Rodrigo by phone and he'll be there at 19h.
(Certo, estarei lá por volta das 20h. Informei o Rodrigo por telefone e ele estará lá às 19h.)
2009/8/22 MacBookPro
Confirmed! See you at Starbucks at 19h.
Até mais
On Aug 22, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga wrote:
For me Starbucks sounds great! It's easier for me to get there (I'm coming from Cotia city). But I think I can arrive only around 20h, but I can try around 19h.
Can we confirm at Starbucks?
I'll be online all the day and I'l read your answers.
Translation /Tradução para quem não está acompanhando e quer ir no encontro:
Para mim Starbucks parece ótimo! É mais fácil para eu chegar lá (estou vindo de Cotia). Mas acho que posso chegar apenas por volta das 20h, mas tentarei chegar às 19h?
Podemos confirmar na Starbucks?
Estarei online o dia todo e verei suas respostas.
Até mais,
2009/8/22 MacBookPro
Oi Rodrigo! I don't know my way around Sao Paulo very well (Sampa!) so why don't you and Tom decide together (or with the other Wikipedians) where you want to meet and I will be there. Starbucks or Casa Bras. Cult. Digital: either sounds find to me. See you tonight! Don't worry about your me with my Portuguese ;) Tchau, Kul
Hello, Kul, my name is Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton and am a volunteer of the Wikimedia Brazil, would like to offer another suggestion for today, since I presented on the project mailing list Wikimedia Brazil and they said to send an email to you, well, a coffee at Starbucks Alameda Santos 1054, 7 pm, which I find a nice place to chat, sorry for my poor writing in English
-- Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton +55 11 7971-8884 On Aug 22, 2009, at 5:29 AM, Thomas de Souza Buckup wrote:
Kul and Tom,
The address is Vitorino Carmilo, 453 Santa Cecília - São Paulo (not far from a metro station). They offered a room for you to meet and talk to wikipedians, as there will probably be a lot of noise from the big party that is going to happen at the same time.
At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide where to do this meeting. So please send to the mailing-list the address, if you want to do it there. Tom, you can also make your own suggestion and recommend a better place to do it. I really don't care and don't know where it's going to be. I'll let you all decide together with the people on the mailing-list.
Tom, please don't say that you only knew about the meeting on Friday a few hours before it happened. It was discussed a longer time ago on the mailing-list. It was any activity suggested by Sergio, as you know, and you could always have asked him to join, if you wanted to. Feel free, as always, to call me too, if you need to talk about anything else.
Abraços, Thomas
On 22/08/2009, MacBookPro wrote:
I believe the address for tomorrow (Saturday) has been changed.
Thomas, can you tell us where it is going to be again?
I'm sorry I didn't reply to you earlier but my CPU got corrupted and I
have spending all my time here trying to restore my computer. I hope
to see you and everyone else tomorrow!
On Aug 20, 2009, at 10:05 PM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga wrote:
Dear Kul,
I was informed this friday there will be a meeting organized by Sergio
Amadeu at Casa Brasileira de Cultura Digital together with free
software developers. I'd like to participate of this talk, but
unfortunately it was divulged only a few hours agor at Wikimedia
Brasil maling list. I add the information about your visit at meta:
Maybe you could add some other events you are going to participate and
Wikimedia/Wikipedia voluenteers can join at this page. I would divulge
for atract more people possibily interested.
About the meet you have suggested at Wikimedia Brasil mailing list,
I'd like to know if you need some help for going from Av. Faria Lima
to Av. Paulista. If yes, I could go with you (by bus or by car, if dad
can borrow his car at this time). If no, I can tell you the name of
the bar we will decide and just meet there (a volunteers suggested Bar
Opção, but I'm looking for a calmer place where people can talk - just
tell me your preference!).
You can reach me by this email or:
Mobile: +55-11-9242-5348
skype: everton137
Twitter: everton137
See you,
2009/8/20 Thomas de Souza Buckup
Tudo parece estar rolando de maneira bem descentralizada.
O Sergio agendou a reuniao entre o Kul e os contatos sugeridos por
na sexta, às 15:, na Casa Bras. Cult. Digital, como planejado.
A Mariane organizou algumas entrevistas (Veja e Estado) e o Fabio
Tran, wikipedista, agendou uma reuniao com uma empresa do Fundo
O Kul parece que continua disponivel para o sabado e esta acessando
email para saber onde sera. Encontrei um wikipedista hoje, Patrick,
que sugeriu o bar Opçâo, atras do Masp. Espero que ele consiga ler
essa mensagem para mandar sinal de fumaça.
On 20/08/2009, Everton Zanella Alvarenga
Então, o que ele vem fazer no Brasil? Organizaram alguma coisa?
Thomas, você não ia nos contar?
Vou mandar um email para ele marcando algum lugar no sábado à
noite na
Av. Paulista. Alguém tem interesse de ir? Vai ser algum barzinho que
dê para conversar, sem muito barulho.
Achei bem bacana a iniciativa do Kul de mandar email direto para
nós e
não me sentiria bem em não recebê-lo.
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
Sent from my mobile device
Thomas de Souza Buckup
+55 11 3477-2834
+55 11 9213-3931
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
-- Sent from my mobile device
Thomas de Souza Buckup +55 11 3477-2834 +55 11 9213-3931
Bom encontro a todos que forem.
2009/8/22 Everton Zanella Alvarenga
Ok, I'll be there around 20h. I informed Rodrigo by phone and he'll be there at 19h.
(Certo, estarei lá por volta das 20h. Informei o Rodrigo por telefone e ele estará lá às 19h.)
2009/8/22 MacBookPro
Confirmed! See you at Starbucks at 19h.
Até mais
On Aug 22, 2009, at 11:22 AM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga wrote:
For me Starbucks sounds great! It's easier for me to get there (I'm coming from Cotia city). But I think I can arrive only around 20h, but I can try around 19h.
Can we confirm at Starbucks?
I'll be online all the day and I'l read your answers.
Translation /Tradução para quem não está acompanhando e quer ir no encontro:
Para mim Starbucks parece ótimo! É mais fácil para eu chegar lá (estou vindo de Cotia). Mas acho que posso chegar apenas por volta das 20h, mas tentarei chegar às 19h?
Podemos confirmar na Starbucks?
Estarei online o dia todo e verei suas respostas.
Até mais,
2009/8/22 MacBookPro
Oi Rodrigo! I don't know my way around Sao Paulo very well (Sampa!) so why don't
and Tom decide together (or with the other Wikipedians) where you want to meet and I will be there. Starbucks or Casa Bras. Cult. Digital: either
find to me. See you tonight! Don't worry about your me with my Portuguese ;) Tchau, Kul
Hello, Kul, my name is Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton and am a volunteer of
Wikimedia Brazil, would like to offer another suggestion for today,
I presented on the project mailing list Wikimedia Brazil and they said to send an email to you, well, a coffee at Starbucks Alameda Santos 1054, 7 pm, which I find a nice place to chat, sorry for my poor writing in English
-- Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton +55 11 7971-8884 On Aug 22, 2009, at 5:29 AM, Thomas de Souza Buckup wrote:
Kul and Tom,
The address is Vitorino Carmilo, 453 Santa Cecília - São Paulo (not far from a metro station). They offered a room for you to meet and talk to wikipedians, as there will probably be a lot of noise from the big party that is going to happen at the same time.
At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide where to do this meeting. So please send to the mailing-list the address, if you want to do it there. Tom, you can also make your own suggestion and recommend a better place to do it. I really don't care and don't know where it's going to be. I'll let you all decide together with the people on the mailing-list.
Tom, please don't say that you only knew about the meeting on Friday a few hours before it happened. It was discussed a longer time ago on the mailing-list. It was any activity suggested by Sergio, as you know, and you could always have asked him to join, if you wanted to. Feel free, as always, to call me too, if you need to talk about
Abraços, Thomas
On 22/08/2009, MacBookPro wrote:
I believe the address for tomorrow (Saturday) has been changed.
Thomas, can you tell us where it is going to be again?
I'm sorry I didn't reply to you earlier but my CPU got corrupted and I
have spending all my time here trying to restore my computer. I hope
to see you and everyone else tomorrow!
On Aug 20, 2009, at 10:05 PM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga wrote:
Dear Kul,
I was informed this friday there will be a meeting organized by Sergio
Amadeu at Casa Brasileira de Cultura Digital together with free
software developers. I'd like to participate of this talk, but
unfortunately it was divulged only a few hours agor at Wikimedia
Brasil maling list. I add the information about your visit at meta:
Maybe you could add some other events you are going to participate and
Wikimedia/Wikipedia voluenteers can join at this page. I would divulge
for atract more people possibily interested.
About the meet you have suggested at Wikimedia Brasil mailing list,
I'd like to know if you need some help for going from Av. Faria Lima
to Av. Paulista. If yes, I could go with you (by bus or by car, if dad
can borrow his car at this time). If no, I can tell you the name of
the bar we will decide and just meet there (a volunteers suggested Bar
Opção, but I'm looking for a calmer place where people can talk - just
tell me your preference!).
You can reach me by this email or:
Mobile: +55-11-9242-5348
skype: everton137
Twitter: everton137
See you,
2009/8/20 Thomas de Souza Buckup
Tudo parece estar rolando de maneira bem descentralizada.
O Sergio agendou a reuniao entre o Kul e os contatos sugeridos por
na sexta, às 15:, na Casa Bras. Cult. Digital, como planejado.
A Mariane organizou algumas entrevistas (Veja e Estado) e o Fabio
Tran, wikipedista, agendou uma reuniao com uma empresa do Fundo
O Kul parece que continua disponivel para o sabado e esta acessando
email para saber onde sera. Encontrei um wikipedista hoje, Patrick,
que sugeriu o bar Opçâo, atras do Masp. Espero que ele consiga ler
essa mensagem para mandar sinal de fumaça.
On 20/08/2009, Everton Zanella Alvarenga
Então, o que ele vem fazer no Brasil? Organizaram alguma coisa?
Thomas, você não ia nos contar?
Vou mandar um email para ele marcando algum lugar no sábado à
noite na
Av. Paulista. Alguém tem interesse de ir? Vai ser algum barzinho que
dê para conversar, sem muito barulho.
Achei bem bacana a iniciativa do Kul de mandar email direto para
nós e
não me sentiria bem em não recebê-lo.
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
Sent from my mobile device
Thomas de Souza Buckup
+55 11 3477-2834
+55 11 9213-3931
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
-- Sent from my mobile device
Thomas de Souza Buckup +55 11 3477-2834 +55 11 9213-3931
WikimediaBR-l mailing list