Pessoal, várias vezes vejo gente postando notícias aqui, mas ninguém se dá ao trabalho de documentá-las na página que temos para esse fim:
A página está bem organizada, e fizemos um grande esforço durante alguns anos para manter esse importante registro.
Ajudem a mantê-la atualizada :)
Se lembrarem de alguma notícia, entrevista/resposta ou comunicado que não está ali, incluam!
Abraços, l e
A wikipédia tem uma página correlata[1] que de vez em quando alguém lembra de atualizar. Talvez seja interessante conferir se algo está faltando na por comparação.
Abs, Otavio
Em 6 de março de 2012 16:15, Alexandre Hannud Abdo abdo@member.fsf.orgescreveu:
Pessoal, várias vezes vejo gente postando notícias aqui, mas ninguém se dá ao trabalho de documentá-las na página que temos para esse fim:
A página está bem organizada, e fizemos um grande esforço durante alguns anos para manter esse importante registro.
Ajudem a mantê-la atualizada :)
Se lembrarem de alguma notícia, entrevista/resposta ou comunicado que não está ali, incluam!
Abraços, l e
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
So, what is the difference between these two pages? * *
When should an article go on one instead of the other?
Abs :) Jessie
2012/3/6 Otavio Louvem
A wikipédia tem uma página correlata[1] que de vez em quando alguém lembra de atualizar. Talvez seja interessante conferir se algo está faltando na por comparação.
Abs, Otavio
Em 6 de março de 2012 16:15, Alexandre Hannud Abdo abdo@member.fsf.orgescreveu:
Pessoal, várias vezes vejo gente postando notícias aqui, mas ninguém se dá ao trabalho de documentá-las na página que temos para esse fim:
A página está bem organizada, e fizemos um grande esforço durante alguns anos para manter esse importante registro.
Ajudem a mantê-la atualizada :)
Se lembrarem de alguma notícia, entrevista/resposta ou comunicado que não está ali, incluam!
Abraços, l e
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
-- Abs, Otavio
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
the difference: WMBr and Wikipedia offline activities, Wikimedia Movement in Brazil vs just encyclopaedic
Sorry to hammer away at this, but it does not make complete sense to me..., for example, the article just published by O Globo[1] which is included in pt.wikipedia page but not br.wikimedia. This covers something that obviously is bigger than just Wikipedia: it is the product of a lot of volunteers who do outreach events and provide coaching and recruit new participants. This is obviously much bigger than just something that can be contained in pt.wikipedia, right? (I think we all agree the answer is yes, based on the many messages that have come across this mailing list encouraging greater transparency about the project with WMBR.)
....or, for example, a lot of the list that is currently on the br. list also are about Wikipedia specifically ("Wikipedia turns 10 years..")?
I personally don't really care about where articles are posted; I just want to make sure I/we are posting things in places where they are anticipated and in a way that is comprehensive for the journalists whom this page is meant to serve!!! So - what if the br.wikimedia link was for articles from Brazilian journalists? That might be the most straight-forward classification.
Abs:) Jessie
2012/3/6 Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
the difference: WMBr and Wikipedia offline activities, Wikimedia Movement in Brazil vs just encyclopaedic
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
Sinceramente? Vou ser transparente, e já estou aguardando ataques por isso:
A Wikipedia lusófona tem pouquíssimos voluntários capacitados para falar sobre a Wikipedia, e quase nenhum apto a falar sobre o Movimento Wikimedia, os que estão, fazem parte desse grupo. Então a parte de impressa no Brasil deveria ser por aqui, não por lá, a gente tem responsabilidade sobre isso também, é nossa função lançar coisas para a mídia, e ter a relação com a mídia.
Vocês podem estar espalhando a notícia do Globo que divulga do Programa Educacional, mas ele tem vários erros, e não sei porque até agora não teve ninguém criticando, como as outras notícias. E ela está completamente nominal, longe do que prezamos, e muito se deve a falta de tato com jornalistas, algo que voluntários daqui já têm.
Honestly? I'll be transparent, and I'm waiting attacks for that:
The Lusophone Wikipedia has very few trained volunteers to talk about Wikipedia, and almost none able to talk about the Wikimedia Movement, who are part of that group. So the task of talking to the press in Brazil should be made by WMBR, not there, we have responsibility for that too, it is our job to launch things in the media, and have the relationship with the media.
You may be spreading the news of the Globo, who are spreading the Educational Program, but it has many mistakes, and I do not know why until now had no one criticizing, like other news. And it is completely nominal far from what we value, and much is due to lack of contact with journalists, something that volunteers already have here.
Ni! Hi Jessieeee,
As I see it, the br.wikimedia page intends to collect all material about the wikimedia movment, including all projects in every language, as long as it's published by the brazilian press.
The pt.wikipedia focuses on wikipedia related articles, and os more general than brazilian press, including at least all lusophone press.
So, pretty much what you suggested. :)
It should be made more clear on that page, will do.
Hugs and thanks for raising this point,
ale .?.
On 03/06/2012 07:35 PM, Jessie Wild wrote:
Sorry to hammer away at this, but it does not make complete sense to me..., for example, the article just published by O Globo[1] which is included in pt.wikipedia page but not br.wikimedia. This covers something that obviously is bigger than just Wikipedia: it is the product of a lot of volunteers who do outreach events and provide coaching and recruit new participants. This is obviously much bigger than just something that can be contained in pt.wikipedia, right? (I think we all agree the answer is yes, based on the many messages that have come across this mailing list encouraging greater transparency about the project with WMBR.)
....or, for example, a lot of the list that is currently on the br. list also are about Wikipedia specifically ("Wikipedia turns 10 years..")?
I personally don't really care about where articles are posted; I just want to make sure I/we are posting things in places where they are anticipated and in a way that is comprehensive for the journalists whom this page is meant to serve!!! So - what if the br.wikimedia link was for articles from Brazilian journalists? That might be the most straight-forward classification.
Abs:) Jessie
2012/3/6 Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton <>
the difference: WMBr and Wikipedia offline activities, Wikimedia Movement in Brazil vs just encyclopaedic _______________________________________________ WikimediaBR-l mailing list <>
-- /Jessie Wild Global Development, Manager Wikimedia Foundation /
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
2012/3/6 Alexandre Hannud Abdo
Ni! Hi Jessieeee,
As I see it, the br.wikimedia page intends to collect all material about the wikimedia movment, including all projects in every language, as long as it's published by the brazilian press.
The pt.wikipedia focuses on wikipedia related articles, and os more general than brazilian press, including at least all lusophone press.
So, pretty much what you suggested. :)
It should be made more clear on that page, will do.
Hugs and thanks for raising this point,
ale .?.
On 03/06/2012 07:35 PM, Jessie Wild wrote:
Sorry to hammer away at this, but it does not make complete sense to
me..., for example, the article just published by O Globo[1] which is included in pt.wikipedia page but not br.wikimedia. This covers something that obviously is bigger than just Wikipedia: it is the product of a lot of volunteers who do outreach events and provide coaching and recruit new participants. This is obviously much bigger than just something that can be contained in pt.wikipedia, right? (I think we all agree the answer is yes, based on the many messages that have come across this mailing list encouraging greater transparency about the project with WMBR.)
....or, for example, a lot of the list that is currently on the br. list also are about Wikipedia specifically ("Wikipedia turns 10 years..")?
I personally don't really care about where articles are posted; I just want to make sure I/we are posting things in places where they are anticipated and in a way that is comprehensive for the journalists whom this page is meant to serve!!! So - what if the br.wikimedia link was for articles from Brazilian journalists? That might be the most straight-forward classification.
Abs:) Jessie
2012/3/6 Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton <>
the difference: WMBr and Wikipedia offline activities, Wikimedia Movement in Brazil vs just encyclopaedic _______________________________________________ WikimediaBR-l mailing list <>
-- /Jessie Wild Global Development, Manager Wikimedia Foundation /
WikimediaBR-l mailing list
WikimediaBR-l mailing list