haverá um encontro agora sobre a Wikimania no canal abaixo. Eu e o Mascote estaremos lá para sugerir uma homenagem ao Pietro.
Quem quiser aparecer, só entrar nesse canal.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: J. <> Date: 2012/2/26 Subject: [Wikimania-planning-l] REMINDER: Wikimania planning meeting in about 20 minutes To: "Coordination list for Wikimania." <>
Hey everyone!
This is a reminder that we will be discussing the Wikimania 2012 conference in #wikimania-2012 on Freenode at 1800 UTC. Topics for discussion include:
-- Plans for special events at the Library of Congress, DAR Museum, and special events in general. -- Update and discussion on sponsorships. -- Update on registration, program.
Thank you, J